Making the European Region Safer: Developments in Alcohol Control Policies, 2010–2019
This report presents the current status of alcohol consumption, alcohol-attributable harms and the implementation of alcohol control policies in the WHO European Region, using available data from 2010, 2016 and 2019.
A detailed overview is...
Reducing Harm Due to Alcohol: Success Stories From 3 Countries
The European Region has the highest level of alcohol consumption in the world.
To reduce these harms, WHO/Europe has identified three affordable, feasible and cost-effective intervention strategies:
- increase excise taxes on alcoholic...
Substance Use and the Criminal Justice System Reading List
Treatment and care for people with drug use disorders in contact with the criminal justice system
This publication is intended to serve as an introductory reference, outlining the options available to States that are in line with the international drug control conventions and other relevant international instruments.
The focus of the...
The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008) and the Use/Possession of Cannabis by Children
Alcohol Use Among Nigerian Students
According to the World Health Organisation, Nigeria ranks second on the list of African countries for heavy episodic drinking.
Despite concerning figures, the picture is less clear when analysing particular populations, such as university...
Institute of Alcohol Studies: Alcohol Knowledge Centre
The IAS Alcohol Knowledge Centre is home to an extensive library of information – infographics, factsheets and a host of related resources – about alcohol.
Topics covered:
- Alcohol across society
- Availability
- Consumption
- Health
- Marke...
Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users
Alcohol Policy in Chile
Chile has one of the highest rates of alcohol use per capita in the Americas. Policy to reduce alcohol-related harm is often up against resistance from alcohol industry, policymakers and the public.
This review, published in the Journal of...
International Approaches to Drug Law Reform
This paper reviews the international evidence on approaches to drug law reform, focussing on case studies from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Portugal and The Netherlands.
It seeks to support the ongoing development of innovative approaches...
VNGOC Asia Pacific ad hoc working group - discussing the Asia-Pacific Civil Society Common Position
In the webinar on 23rd February 2021 the VNGOC Asia-Pacific ad-hoc Working Group kick-started the discussions on a possible Asia-Pacific Civl Society Common Position. More than 70 people from the region participated.
You can access the...
Representation of Adverse Childhood Experiences Linked with Lower Public Stigma Towards People Who Use Drugs
Public stigma towards people who use substances can impact people seeking support and treatment outcomes. It can also influence how public health policy is shaped and accepted.
Researchers have been interested in understanding how people...
Alcohol and COVID-19 in SA: An Endless Cycle of Liquor Sales Bans Being Imposed and Lifted, or Catalyst for Meaningful Action?
The SAMRC Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Research Unit is now in its 20th year of existence. With about 20+ core staff based in Cape Town and Pretoria the focus is on a broad range of research focusing on the nature and extent of substance...
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet.
They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build...
The Impact of Sport and Sport-based Interventions in Preventing Youth Violence, Crime and Drug Use
Sport can be a powerful tool to engage communities and prevent crime, violence and drug use among youth. As part of the Doha Declaration Global Programme, UNODC’s Youth Crime Prevention through Sport initiative has developed “Line Up Live...
Estimating the Impact of Achieving Turkey's Non-communicable Disease Policy Targets
According to the World Health Organisation, around 20,000 deaths could have been avoided in Turkey in 2017 if the country had reached its current goals of reducing tobacco and salt consumption by 30%, and physical inactivity by 10%.
Global Drug Survey 2020
Global Drug Survey (GDS) runs the world’s largest survey.
GDS believes that the expertise and experience of people who use alcohol and other drugs can be used to inform the creation of better drug policy.
The GDS 2020 includes data from...
Stigma Reading List
Stigma is a complex construct that is present within societies at different levels. The impact of stigma can severely damage individuals and communities. People who use substances are often on the receiving end of stigmatising attitudes and...
Stigma and people who inject drugs: surveillance and interventions to reduce stigma
While the National BBV/STI Strategies have emphasised the importance of stigma for people who inject drugs.
However, until recently there has not been a system to measure and report on the experience of stigma.
This presentation will...
Measuring Organized Crime in the Western Balkans
Executive Summary
The findings of this report are based on a statistical and analytical framework to measure and assess organized crime in the Western Balkans.
Six countries and territories are included: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina...
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