
ISSUP Ra mắt Gambia

ISSUP Gambia muốn mời bạn tham dự sự kiện ra mắt của họ, sau đó là hội thảo trên web về Khả năng phục hồi của cộng đồng trong sử dụng chất gây nghiện.

ISSUP Gambia Chapter Sensitizes Students on Drug Prevention Strategies

“Drugs are bad, you must not indulge in drugs and other illicit substances.” These were the words of Alasana Drammeh, the Executive Director of ISSUP Gambia while addressing a group of students at the Glory Baptist International School on Tuesday March 1st, 2022. Drammeh made the remarks at a workshop organized for about 50 teenage students as part of ISSUP Gambia’s program to sensitize school children on crucial preventive strategies to help them stay away from drugs.


ISSUP Gambia National Chapter Holds First General Conclave

The International Society of Substance Use Professionals Gambia National Chapter held its maiden general assembly on Sunday October 31st, 2021 at Dippa Kunda in the Kanifing Municipality.


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