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According to the decree “On measures to improve the system of providing narcological assistance to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (No. 842 of October 3, 2019), the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Narcology was established on the basis of the Republican Narcological Center.

The Center is the base institution for organizing the prevention of the use of drugs and other psychoactive substances, treatment and rehabilitation activities, scientific research and coordination of the activities of institutions working in the field of treatment and prevention of addiction diseases.

The Center employs highly qualified specialists in the field of psychiatry, narcology and psychotherapy. A multidisciplinary team of specialists participates in the treatment of the patient, which optimizes the pace of diagnosis and the treatment process. Our patients have access to the latest advances in medicine, advanced diagnostic methods, modern medical equipment and proven effective methods of therapy. Diagnostics and treatment in our Center is carried out on the basis of a bio-psycho-social model, which allows us to implement an individual approach in the management of each clinical case and plan therapeutic and preventive interventions in accordance with the current profile of the patient's problems.

The center has the following areas: clinical, outpatient and scientific.

Clinical direction: intensive care unit, profile departments for patients with alcohol use disorders, drug addiction, psychotherapeutic, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, clinical laboratory.

The outpatient direction is represented by a consultative and diagnostic clinic. The RSSPMCN’s Advisory Polyclinic Center for Narcology offers outpatient treatment according to comprehensive medical programs, including modern methods of psychotherapy, psychopharmacotherapy, functional and laboratory diagnostics. The consultative polyclinic has all the necessary laboratory tests, express drug test, ultrasound, ECG, physiotherapy, massage, etc.

The center has a service known as "Call Center". Doctors and psychologists of the Center are ready to suggest a possible solution to the problems of all types of addiction - drug addiction, alcohol use disorder and provide psychological support to both those who use psychoactive substances and their relatives.

The center conducts research and educational and educational activities. On the basis of the Center, cadets are located and train cadets of the Department of Narcology, Medical Psychology and Adolescent Psychopathology of the Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers, students of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Tashkent Medical Academy, the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Child Psychiatry, Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Department psychiatry of the Tashkent State Dental Institute.

The Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan actively participates in international cooperation with leading specialized Centers of the near and far abroad in order to exchange scientific experience, conducts joint scientific projects, conferences, and trains qualified personnel in narcology.

This piece of content is not translated in Vietnamese. View the original content in English here.

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