Winner 2022

Claremont Graduate University Certificate of Advanced Study in Prevention Science

The objectives of this program are

  • To introduce trainees to theories of health psychology and prevention science, and to provide a survey of prevention science,
  • To provide them with the necessary background to appreciate the special features of media-based prevention science, the central focus of the program.
  • Trainees are expected to leave the training with a media-based substance use prevention and evaluation plan that is ready to implement in their communities
  • Trainees are expected to form a cadre of well-educated fellow prevention specialists from their area of the world with whom they may interact in the course of their prevention efforts.

To date, the programme has trained 35 alumni professionals. The programme's alumni continue to work in the field, developing programmes, campaigns, and training other professionals in the effective and evidence-based use of media for prevention.

The professionals are from 13 countries; Botswana, Ghana, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Barbados, Colombia, Peru, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tunisia, South Africa and Brazil

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