International collaboration:
- Working jointly to build capacity within and across countries
- International research teams
Steps that help achieve these aims:
- Sharing of information on researchers, projects and other kinds of research knowledge (e.g. conferences, online/paper journals)
- Networks which help connect researchers (and others) with each other across national boundaries

Why do we do international research?
Overarching aim: To maximise the quality and impact of the research we do
Specific aims:
- Bring together otherwise separate ‘national’ knowledge, to expand out understanding of an issue or problem (i.e. pursuing generic knowledge on prevention as a science)
- Help translate knowledge from one setting to another (e.g. transporting interventions from one context to another)
- Build capacity in countries that may have limited resources/expertise
- Develop individuals’ skills and careers
1. Bringing together different sets of knowledge to increase understanding of an issue/problem
- Many of the issues which we study are complex
- They are beyond the capacity of any single national team
- Different contexts, cultures, perspectives help build our understanding
- So international collaboration builds capacity to answer questions that would not be so fully answered within any one country
- International research values diversity and difference both in terms of the experiences of those we work with and the different perspectives of researchers across countries
- Information on how problems may vary in their nature and causes across settings – helps us understand role of social and cultural context
- Some of the best people in your field may be in other countries
2. Translating knowledge from one setting to another
- Disseminating interventions to new settings is a key example
- Shares expertise rather than duplicating it
- Increases our understanding of how
- Risk and protective factors function across contexts
- Similarities and differences in how interventions work across these settings
- Can’t assume that what works in one place will work in the same way in other settings – need context specific knowledge
3. Build capacity in countries that may have limited resources/expertise
- Individual projects and interventions are important but they form part of a broader system
- Resources and research infrastructures are unevenly distributed
- Many low/middle income countries have limited resources and research infrastructures
- These countries often have high levels of need Governmental support for prevention varies
- International networks/organisations can help advocate for greater investment and commitment to prevention
4. Benefits of international research for individuals
- Opportunities to:
- Form new collaborations
- Be exposed to new ideas and ways of working
- Learn more about how issues familiar to you operate in unfamiliar settings
- Making our own assumptions conscious and explicit
- Providing evidence of international collaboration can be good for your career
- Benefits for individual researchers should be symbiotic with those for projects and research systems