
Mr. Shafique Anwar, Clinical Psychologist & CEO of the Subhan Medical Centre, organised an Inauguration Ceremony to establish a new
In these tough times, we, as ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, have started efforts to help the real heroes of Pakistan, our Doctors, Nurses, medical staff and especially Sanitary Workers, to provide them PPE Suits to fight against Coronavirus. Ms. Saima Asghar said, "We, as ISSUP Pakistan, have been in contact with our medical community regarding their requirements", she added, “These suits are in line with their specifications as well.”
In these troubling times, when the whole world is fighting the deadly coronavirus pandemic, ISSUP Pakistan, under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Bashir Ahmad Naz, President ISSUP Pakistan, along with  Ms. Saima Asghar, Director ISSUP Pakistan, Mr.
  Coronavírus… Distanciamento Social… Comércio e Indústrias Fechados… Aumento de Violência Doméstica… Internet como forma de contato com o mundo exterior… Crise econômica e social sem precedentes…
  El capítulo chileno de ISSUP te invita a participar en un webinar sobre 'Prevención - El sistema SENDA basado en la evidencia' que se llevará a cabo el próximo martes, el 28 de abril de 2020 a las 10:00 hrs (tiempo de Chile). 
'School prevention of the use of psychoactive substances - Challenges in the times of COVID19' Please note that the webinar is presented in Spanish. When: May 19th at 4 PM BST. Presented by: Fernando Salazar, PhD
Webinar: Supporting University Students During COVID-19 When: May 12th at 2 PM BST. Presented by: Cary Hopkins Eyles, MA, CAP
The 8th Iteration of the Substance Use Disorder ( SUD ) Training for Criminal Justice Institutions and Universities of the Philippines – Walkthrough Training on the Universal