
Join us on March 13th, 2020 for our second ISSUP Expert Days webinar with Cary Hopkins Eyles. Many of us are drawn to work in the field of substance use disorders due to our history, family, and personal traits, such as compassion and empathy. While these can be great assets, they can also be detrimental to us personally. In this webinar, we will identify healthy and unhealthy traits, how we can care for ourselves, and what authentic self-care looks like.
The first meeting of ISSUP Chile was held on the 1st of March at the University of Los Andes with participants from various regions.
ISSUP y CIJ se unen para certificar a más profesionales en México ISSUP, interesados en la prevención y el tratamiento de adicciones de alta calidad a nivel mundial Nuestra visión es crear una red de profesionales en el campo de la prevención y el tratamiento de la toxicomanía, que sea conectada, entrenada e informada, y que realice y promueva la atención de alta calidad, basados en evidencia”, explicó Livia Edegger, subdirectora de la Sociedad Internacional de Pro
Join the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network  Tuesday, March 17, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EST
The Church of Uganda has instituted a programme that will help young people to protect themselves from
On February 10th - 13th the ISSUP team visited Washington, D.C. for a series of project planning meetings and ISSUP’s Board meeting.
On January 6–8, 2020, Education Provider Parahita (Kasih Mulia Foundation) held a refresher training on the Universal
On January 20-24, 2020, the Institution for the Professional Certification of the National Narcotics Board (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Badan Narkotika Nasional) held a training of assessors on professional certification of Indonesian
A Mobilização Freemind e o Capítulo Nacional da ISSUP no Brasil estarão presentes hoje, 12/02/2020, em Brasília para o lançamento do Fórum Permanente de Mobilização Contra as Drogas.