Contribution of Gaming to Overall Leisure Screen Time in Primary School Children
This study aimed to (i) analyse the prevalence of gaming in young elementary school-aged children; (ii) assess the effect of gaming frequency on excessive screen use; and (iii) identify sociodemographic variables associated...
WAVE opportunities to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024
WAVE Bursaries to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part III: Examples of Stimulant Use Treatment Programmes.
La Revista CIJ Informa, es publicada por Centros de Integración Juvenil, (CIJ) Institución anfitriona del Capítulo ISSUP México 🇲🇽. En ella podrán enterarse de las diferentes actividades realizadas desde la Institución, el Capítulo Nacional...
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part II: Risky Behaviour and Chem Sex Associated with Stimulant Use
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part I: About Amphetamine Type Stimulants and Stimulant Use Disorder
Consideration of vaping products as an alternative to adult smoking: a narrative review
Tobacco harm reduction is a public health strategy aimed at lessening the health impact of cigarette smoking. This approach involves using non-combustible alternatives to cigarettes, such as electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), which...
Uso Nocivo de Dispositivos Tecnológicos y Consumo de Sustancias. Parte II “Inicio Temprano de Consumo y el Uso Nocivo de TIC"
Uso Nocivo de Dispositivos Tecnológicos y Consumo de Sustancias. Parte II “Inicio Temprano de Consumo y el Uso Nocivo de TIC"
New draft guidance on harmful gambling
The new draft guideline on harmful gambling recommends health professionals should ask people about gambling if they attend a health check or GP appointment about a mental health condition.
These guideline aims to ensure that those...
إدمان لشبونة 2024: دعوة لتقديم الملخصات
لشبونة للإدمان 2024 هو مؤتمر متعدد التخصصات يوفر منتدى للتواصل وفرصة لعرض أحدث الأبحاث. يهدف المؤتمر إلى إثراء تطوير السياسات وممارستها من خلال فهم أفضل للقضايا المعاصرة في علم الإدمان والسلوكيات الإدمانية.
سيعقد المؤتمر في لشبونة في...
Uso Nocivo de Dispositivos Tecnológicos y Consumo de Sustancias. Parte I “Desafíos durante la Infancia”
Cost of Substance Use on the Economic Productivity of Canadians – Findings at a Glance
In 2020, the Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms (CSUCH) data reported that substance use resulted in a loss of $22.4 billion in productivity. This represents 45.6% of the overall cost and harms of substance use, which amounted to $49.1...
Recovery: The Many Paths to Wellness (Chapter 5 from Facing Addiction in America)
The Many Paths to Wellness: Explore Chapter 5 in "Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health," which defines the concept of recovery from substance use disorders and reviews methods used by...
Synthetic Opioids: Navigating a Changing Landscape in the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and Type 2 Diabetes: Integration of Evidence-Based Diabetes Care to Promote Quality Health Outcomes
Male Patient Drop-Out from Addiction Inpatient Treatment in the Czech Republic: A Study Protocol
BACKGROUND: The dropout rate from the treatment of patients with substance use disorders (SUD) negatively affects overall treatment outcomes. Little is known about the specific role of various psychiatric and psychosocial factors in the...
Sports Betting and Depression among Youths in the SouthSouth Region of Nigeria
BACKGROUND: It has been noted that those addicted to gambling are at a high risk of developing mental health problems such as depression.
AIMS: This study was designed to determine the effect of participating in sports betting on...
The absence of data on driving under the influence of alcohol in road traffic studies: a scoping review of non-randomized studies with vote counting based on the direction of effects of alcohol policies
Data concerning driving under the influence of alcohol (DUIA) are frequently characterised by their lack of availability, accuracy, or reliability. This inherent limitation poses challenges in the examination of the influence of...
شارك المعرفة: يمكن لأعضاء جمعية ISSUP النشر في مشاركة المعرفة – التسجيل أو الإشتراك في عضوية