A revised checklist for writing up research reports
Volatile Substance Abuse
Volatile Substance Abuse (VSA) is the practice of inhaling volatile substances, which are often common household products, like glues, gases and aerosols in order to get high.
Glues, gases and aerosols contain volatile substances which...
Efficacy of Monthly Buprenorphine Injections for Opioid Use Disorders
Opioid use disorder is a chronic, relapsing disease and a global health burden. Treatment for OUD tends to involve a combination of medication and behavioural intervention. It is recognised that buprenorphine can alleviate opioid withdrawal...
Časopis Adiktologie
A Promising Alternative to Opioid Pain Medications
There is a growing problem of misuse of prescription opioids, opioid addiction, and overdose. This highlights the crucial need for finding an addiction-free alternative medication that can be used to treat severe pain.
Researchers are...
Infografika a zpráva o komorbiditě
Termín "komorbidita" popisuje dvě nebo více poruch nebo nemocí vyskytujících se u stejné osoby. Mohou se objevit současně nebo jeden po druhém. Komorbidita také znamená interakce mezi nemocemi, které mohou zhoršit průběh obou.
Účinnost nového vícesložkového balíčku služeb pro odvykání kouření pro pacienty s hypertenzí a diabetem v severním Thajsku
Odvykání kouření je dosažitelná změna chování, která snižuje riziko kardiovaskulárních onemocnění, rakoviny a onemocnění souvisejících s tabákem. Je zapotřebí účinné služby odvykání kouření v zemích s nízkými a...
Trends in Self-Poisoning and Psychotropic Drug Use in People Aged 5–19 Years
Objectives: To characterise trends in self-poisoning and psychotropic medicine use in young Australians.
Design: Population-based retrospective cohort study.
Setting Calls taken by the New South Wales and Victorian Poisons...
Prodloužený korigovaný QT interval vyvolaný léky u pacientů s předávkováním metadonem a opiem
Írán je zemí s nejvyšší mírou závislosti na opiátech na světě. Nejčastěji používaným opioidem v Íránu je opium a metadon je na druhém místě. Trend užívání drog se od roku 2006 do roku 2011 změnil z opia na metadon...
A Rapid Systematic Review of What We Know about Alcohol Use Disorders and Brief Interventions in the Criminal Justice System
– The purpose of this paper is to review the evidence of alcohol use disorders within the different stages of the criminal justice system in the UK. Furthermore it reviewed the worldwide evidence of alcohol brief interventions...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Feedback on Client Progress among Most Effective Ways to Improve Outcomes
Findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that providing therapists real-time feedback from the client (including substance use clients) on their progress and how to improve it is among the most effective ways...
Rozsah užívání látek v Indii
Addiction Journal Podcast: March 2019
The latest Addiction Journal Podcast gives listeners a snapshot overview of the research that has been published in the March edition of the Addiction Journal.
Marchiafava-Bignamiho nemoc: kazuistika a přehled literatury
ÚVOD: Marchiafava-Bignami (MB) je vzácné onemocnění charakterizované primární degenerací callosum spojenou především s chronickou konzumací alkoholu. Tento stav však může být zaměněn za mnoho jiných onemocnění, která způsobují...
Surviving Stigma Podcast
In this podcast, Diane Goslar, a person who struggled with alcohol-related issues, talks to Peter Markham Head of Digital, about the stigma she faced among family, friends and work colleagues as she battled alcohol addiction.
Informace pro učitele
Ve třídách po celé Velké Británii nese 1 z 5 dětí břemeno pití někoho jiného.
Národní asociace pro děti alkoholiků vyvinula nový zdroj, který pomáhá učitelům identifikovat děti postižené konzumací alkoholu jejich rodiči.
Smoking During Pregnancy , Stigma and Secrets
There is significant evidence to suggest that smoking while pregnant is harmful to the baby increases the risk of miscarriage, and premature birth. The Statistics on smoking, England: 2018 compendium report shows that in 2017-18, 10.8% of...
The Etymology and Early History of ‘Addiction’
Contemporary usage of addiction is contradictory and confusing; the term is highly stigmatizing but popularly used to describe almost any strong desire, passion or pursuit. Does current usage involve a recent corruption of the...
Severity of Analgesic Dependence and Medication-Overuse Headache
Background and Aims: Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a common chronic headache caused by overuse of headache analgesics. It has similarities with substance dependence disorders. The treatment of choice for MOH is withdrawal of the...
Mental Health Professionals’ Views on Smoke-Free Policy
The prevalence of smoking within the general population is in decline. However, the number of people with mental health issues who smoke remains high.
A recent study has examined mental health care practitioners approach to addressing...
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