"Does Red Bull Give Vodka Wings?"
New research that will be published in the new edition of the Journal of Consumer Psychology sets out to answer the question: ‘Does Red Bull Give Wings to Vodka?’
"Red Bull has long used the slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings,' but...
Alcohol Advertising Linked to Youth Drinking
Health researchers worldwide have provided new evidence suggesting that alcohol advertising is often aggressive, reaching children, and is linked with youth drinking.
The Australian organisation, the National Alliance for Action on...
Sociální média, sport a reklama na alkohol
Nová studie publikovaná v časopise Drug and Alcohol Review zkoumá přítomnost značek alkoholu na sociálních médiích, které sponzorují divácké sporty v Austrálii. Zdůrazňuje způsob, jakým tyto značky využívají sport a sociální média ve svých...
Music Videos Might Encourage Binge Drinking
A recent review carried out by researchers at the University of Nottingham's UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies suggests popular YouTube music videos that include aural and/or visual references to alcohol often glamourise consumption...
From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence through Health Care, Not Punishment
The aim of this draft discussion paper, “From coercion to cohesion: Treating drug dependence through health care, not punishment”, is to promote a health-oriented approach to drug dependence. The International Drug Control Conventions give...
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