Is fetal brain monoamine oxidase inhibition the missing link between maternal smoking and conduct disorders?
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable illness in the world today. Prenatal cigarette smoke exposure (PCSE) is a particularly insidious form because so many of its associated health effects befall the unborn child and...
Intentions and Attempts to Quit Smoking Among Sexual Minoritized Adult Smokers After Exposure to the Tips From Former Smokers Campaign
Importance Significant disparities exist in smoking behaviors by sexual minority status in the US.
Objective To examine potential differences in the associations between exposure to the Tips From Former Smokers (Tips)...
Call for Papers- Drug Addiction Research in China
Drug addiction has been a major public health problem bringing a heavy burden to patients, families and society in China historically and contemporarily. In the recent two decades, animal and clinical research on mechanisms, trajectories...
Implementing Adolescent SBIRT
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based approach to early intervention of substance use.
This mixed-methods evaluation assessed the implementation of an adolescent SBIRT change package across...
Words Matter Language Guide
The need to change our language in relation to people who use drugs has become an increasing topic of discussion, but there is still a long way to go. People who use drugs are highly diverse and their relationship with drug use takes many...
Fetal Exposure to Cannabis and Childhood Metabolic Outcomes: The Healthy Start Study
To assess the impact of fetal exposure to cannabis on adiposity and glucose-insulin traits in early life.
Research Design and Methods
We leveraged a subsample of 103 mother-child pairs from Healthy Start, an...
Assessing the feasibility, usability and acceptability of the MySafeRx platform among individuals in outpatient buprenorphine treatment: Lessons learned from a pilot randomized controlled trial
Increasing buprenorphine/naloxone (B/N) access for opioid use disorder (OUD) is essential yet ensuring adherence and preventing diversion remains challenging. This study examines the feasibility, usability, and...
Neurofeedback for opioid dependent patients in an outpatient setting: a pilot feasibility study
When used in combination with other therapies for drug use disorders, neurofeedback (NF) has been classified as "probably effective," according to recent research in the community of people with opioid use disorder. Despite...
Úloha specializovaných adiktologických sester v léčbě alkoholu
Association of Psychiatric Disorders With Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infection Among Vaccinated Adults
Importance Psychiatric disorders may be associated with an increased risk for SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection after vaccination, but no studies have tested this hypothesis.
Objective To evaluate whether past diagnoses of...
Pokroky v oblasti závislosti a zotavení
Advances in Addiction & Recovery, oficiální publikace NAADAC, je čtvrtletní digitální časopis zaměřený na poskytování užitečných, inovativních a včasných informací o trendech a osvědčených postupech v profesi, které jsou přínosné pro...
DAM Report of Recovery Get-Together 2022
National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders diagnostics and treatment in Uzbekistan
On 25 March 2022 the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders’ diagnostics and treatment in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by...
Úloha kvalitativního výzkumu ve vědě o závislostech
Přednášející: Dr. Richard Pates, konzultant klinický psycholog, šéfredaktor, Journal of Substance Use
MUP a bezdomovci / pouliční pijáci a poskytovatelé služeb
Podívejte se na video z prezentace webináře SHAAP/SARN "Alcohol Occasionals", který se konal na Zoomu dne 31. března 2022: "Minimální jednotkové ceny (#MUP): Kvalitativní studie zkušeností konzumentů bez domova, pouličních pijáků a...
Drug use severity in adolescence affects substance use disorder risk in adulthood
Although more than 1 in every 3 US individuals will develop a substance use disorder in their lifetime, relatively little is known about the long-term patterns of substance use disorder symptoms from adolescence through adulthood.
...UNODC Trains Team of National Trainers from Central Asia within the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia supported a training of trainers (ToT) on Course 13 – “Contingency Management: A Reinforcement Based Treatment” and “Course 18 – “Clinical Supervision” which took place in person in Bishkek...
Differences in addiction and recovery gains according to gender – gender barriers and specific differences in overall strengths growth
The necessity of a gendered understanding of recovery is becoming increasingly evident. There have been reports of gender disparities in the character and amount of substance use, the paths to and through substance use...
Navigating intersecting public health crises: a qualitative study of people with opioid use disorders' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
The long-running opioid epidemic and the more recent COVID-19 pandemic are two interrelated events with major public health implications for people who use opioids (OUD). The majority of studies on the interaction of these two...
Zneužití neopioidního předpisu
Tato prezentace zkoumala kdo, jak a proč zneužívání neopioidních léků na předpis se zaměřením na antipsychotika, stimulanty a pregabalin.
Zatímco je známo mnoho o prevalenci a souvisejících škodách zneužívání opiátů a benzodiazepinů na...
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