Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Outpatient Treatment Completion
A study exploring the completion of outpatient substance use disorder treatment has highlighted racial and ethnic health disparities.
The research team utilised a sample of 416,224 outpatient discharges in the study which found people...
Národní týden prevence 2018
Národní týden prevence vedený Správou zneužívání návykových látek a duševního zdraví (SAMHSA) se bude konat od 13. do 19. května 2018.
Každý den se zaměříme na jiné téma - počínaje tématem "Podpora duševního zdraví a wellness" v pondělí...
Larger Gray Matter Volume in the Basal Ganglia of Heavy Cannabis Users Detected by Voxel-Based Morphometry and Subcortical Volumetric Analysis
Background: Structural imaging studies of cannabis users have found evidence of both cortical and subcortical volume reductions, especially in cannabinoid receptor-rich regions such as the hippocampus and amygdala. However, the findings...
Características de los Instrumentos de Tamizaje del Trastorno por Uso de Alcohol en Jóvenes Universitarios de Argentina
Los trastornos por uso de alcohol son preocupantemente altos en la población universitaria. Contar con instrumentos de tamizaje es fundamental para la medición epidemiológica y la práctica clínica. El objetivo de este trabajo es...
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Activation in the Ventral Tegmental Area Attenuates Cocaine Seeking in Rats
Novel molecular targets are needed to develop new medications for the treatment of cocaine addiction. Here we investigated a role for glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptors in the reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior, an...
Dvanáct milionů kuřáků hledá online pomoc při odvykání kouření ročně
Tato studie kvantifikovala potenciální dosah intervencí pro odvykání kouření na internetu na podporu výpočtů potenciálního dopadu na populaci (dosah × účinnost). Pomocí celostátně reprezentativního průzkumu jsme...
First and Subsequent Lifetime Alcoholism and Mental Disorders in Suicide Victims with Reference to a Community Sample
Background: Suicide victims have been found to frequently suffer from mental disorders, often more than one, and comorbidity has also been found to be a risk factor for suicide. The aim of the present study was to determine the first...
How Can Contingency Management Support Treatment for Substance Use Disorders? A Systematic Review
Rewarding people dependent on illegal drugs for not using those drugs is a controversial tactic, one this report from the European Union’s drug misuse centre found patchily effective in extending retention and reducing substance use as a...
Pokyny k provádění minimálních cen alkoholu
S legislativou zavedenou dne 1. května 2018 skotská vláda vydala pokyny k provádění minimálních cen alkoholu pro prodejce alkoholu a donucovací orgány týkající se alkoholu ve Skotsku.
Pokyny se týkají důvodů změny zákona, problémů, ...
Skotsko se stává první zemí, která prosazuje minimální ceny alkoholu
Skotsko se stalo první zemí na světě, která zavedla minimální cenu za jednotku alkoholu. Od 1. května 2018 musí veškerý alkohol stát nejméně 0,5GPD nebo 50 pencí.
Tento krok je výsledkem dlouhého procesu výzkumu a rozhovorů se skotským...
Improving Quality of Life: Substance Use and Ageing
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has released a resource focusing on substance use in ageing populations.
The document covers the consequences of substance use in older adults, health conditions which might...
Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions for Cannabis Cessation in Adults
Objective: Many psychological and psychosocial interventions have been developed to treat regular users of cannabis, but it is unclear which intervention(s) are the most effective. This article aims to assess the effectiveness...
The Hardest Hit: Addressing the Crisis in Alcohol Treatment Services
This research, launched at the All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Harm on 1 May 2018, warns that the alcohol treatment sector is in crisis. These services are entering into a cycle of disinvestment, staff depletion, and reduced...
Medical Marijuana Users Are More Likely to Use Prescription Drugs Medically and Nonmedically
Objectives: Previous studies have found a negative population-level correlation between medical marijuana availability in US states, and trends in medical and nonmedical prescription drug use. These studies have been interpreted...
The Influence of Psychological Factors during Early Years of Life in the Development of Addiction
Addiction is a multifaceted condition with various entry and exit points throughout its course in an individual's life. In some adolescents, early onset can be followed by limited adolescent use or abuse and is more related to...
Candyflipping and Other Combinations: Identifying Drug–Drug Combinations from an Online Forum
Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) refer to synthetic compounds or derivatives of more widely known substances of abuse that have emerged over the last two decades. Case reports suggest that users combine substances to achieve desired...
Prevalence of Oral and Dental Diseases and Oral Hygiene Practices among Illicit Drug Abusers
Background: There has been increasing incidence of addiction to certain illicit drugs amongst people belonging to various strata of society, particularly among young people in Bangladesh, as well as in western countries. Drug...
Alcohol and Mental Health: Policy and Practice in England
Many people who misuse alcohol also have a mental health difficulty, and many people with mental health problems also misuse alcohol. Yet few get effective help from either alcohol or mental health services. National...
Analýza efektivity banky: Francouzský výbor říká, že rizika baklofenu převažují nad přínosy při léčbě alkoholu
*Aktualizováno* Náš komentář k první klinickému testu, který důsledně testoval vysoké dávky baklofenu k léčbě závislého pití, byl aktualizován vydáním stanoviska k rovnováze mezi bezpečností a přínosy z vědeckého výboru zřízeného...
Measuring the Burden of Opioid-Related Mortality in Ontario, Canada
Opioid overdose is a leading public health problem across Canada that continues to evolve, particularly as clandestinely-produced opioids enter the market (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017). In 2014, we published a study that found that...
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