Mental Health
The relationship between mental health disorders and substance use and integrated approaches. .
Avoidance, Anxiety Towards Parents, and Self-Acceptance of Adolescents in the System of Higher Secondary Education
A close relationship between a parent and a child and parental acceptance can mediate the appropriate self-acceptance of an adolescent, which is an important variable related to personality and a pillar of emotional health. In...
War: Psychological Skills for Surviving and Coping with Traumatic Events
ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine jointly held an initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events that resulted from Russian's attack on Ukraine. Ukrainians are currently experiencing extremely traumatic events that will have a...
Grief: Helping Someone Else in the Aftermath of Loss
In the wake of loss, it can be hard to take care of those you care about who are grieving. As with self-care, there are many possible ways to offer support to someone who is grieving, and a variety of factors that affect how you can offer...
Grief: Taking Care of Yourself in the Aftermath of Loss
This factsheet, published by the National Centre for PTSD, discusses the ways in which we can engage in self-care in the wake of loss.
The factsheet provides an overview of grief and some of the theories and processes that are associated...
Treatment of Drug Use Disorders and Associated Mental Health Disorders in Prison Settings and Forensic Hospitals
This discussion paper was prepared by UNODC following various requests from the Member States for technical assistance on the treatment of drug use disorders and associated mental health disorders in prison settings.
This effort is related...
Challenges and Responses: Reaching out to those with Substance Use and Mental Health Problems
The complexity and challenge of ‘dual diagnosis’

This Drug and Alcohol Finding publication addresses a hot topic which generates heated debate- dual diagnosis.
Whether to focus on mental health problems or substance use problems when the patient exhibits both is a long-standing...
Mental ill health and substance misuse: Dual Diagnosis
This paper has been compiled in response to an MLA request on the complex issue of ‘dual diagnosis’ in the context of service provision. Specifically, the paper provides the following:
- An overview of dual diagnosis.
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE): Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work)
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE) is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy program designed for patients who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a co-occurring alcohol or drug...
PTSD Consultation Program: Lecture Series
On the third Wednesday of each month, the PTSD Consultation Program hosts a webinar on a topic relevant to treating PTSD. Topics are selected based on questions providers are bringing to the PTSD Consultation Program and invite an expert in...
Srovnávací popis etických aspektů v praxi klinické psychologie
Východiska: Praxe v klinické psychologii je úzce spjata s budováním důvěry a vztahu s klientem. Tato důvěra je podpořena souborem etických aspektů, které navrhuje Etický kodex APA. Pomáhá budovat důvěru mezi klienty a zajistit účinnost...
Navigating the complexity of harm and care: a qualitative study of self-harm and alcohol use
Watch the video of the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar, held over Zoom on 23 May 2022: "Navigating the complexity of harm and care: a qualitative study of self-harm and alcohol use" by Dr Amy Chandler and Annie Taylor from the...
Care for co-occurring heavy alcohol use & depression
Watch the video of the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar, held over Zoom on 21 June 2022:
"‘I’m just getting the impression I have to sort myself out’: How people with co-occurring heavy alcohol use and depression describe the care...
Understanding Stigma and Cognitive Behavioural Interpersonal Skills- PAHO's online self-learning and tutor-guided course
The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), jointly with the Mental Health Commission of Canada, will hold a new online self-learning and tutor-guided course "Understanding Stigma and Cognitive Behavioral Interpersonal Skills" from August...
Adolescents with substance use problems in outpatient treatment: a one-year prospective follow-up study focusing on mental health and gender differences
Although several studies have found a high incidence of coexisting mental health problems among adolescents with substance use problems, follow-up studies addressing how these conditions change over time are rare. The study will...
Listen First - Supporting children and youth to grow healthy, happy, and safe!
Treating co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders using tools from CBT
Presented by Jo Cassar (The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney), by the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Recognise the importance of assessing for substance use when a...
Eating disorders and AOD use: what clinicians need to know
Presented by Associate Professor Sarah Maguire (Director, InsideOut Institute), by attending this webinar, attendees will learn:
- How to recognise the most common eating disorder symptoms;
- Eating disorder interventions and how workers...
Personality disorders and AOD use: what clinicians need to know
Presented by Professor Brin Grenyer OAM, by the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to: - Identify personality disorders in the context of AOD challenges;
- Select from various skills to effectively respond to people with...
Multiple disadvantage and co-occurring substance use and mental health conditions.
Substance use and mental health needs are two of the primary concerns for many people experiencing multiple disadvantage. We know that people who experience both issues at the same time (also known as “co-occurring conditions” or “dual...
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