Cannabis Use, Cannabis Use Disorder, and Comorbid Psychiatric Illness
As attitudes toward cannabis, its legal status, and patterns of use continue to evolve, the landscape surrounding this substance is in a constant state of flux. Against this backdrop, this review aims to provide an up-to-date...
ADF Drug Wheel
The ADF Interactive Drug Wheel classifies drugs as part of seven general categories: Stimulants, Depressants, Cannabinoids, Psychedelics, Opioids, Dissociatives and Empathogens. Find out about the effects of drugs and more information about...
Cannabis: Reading List
Of all illicit substances, cannabis stands out as the most extensively cultivated, trafficked, and misused. It has significant effects on the human body and mind, altering sensory perceptions, mood, cognitive abilities, motor coordination...
Cuidados Primários Pediátricos e a Prevenção
Os pediatras e demais prestadores de cuidados primários pediátricos podem desempenhar um papel vital na linha de frente da prevenção, abordando fatores importantes relacionados ao atraso no início e/ou aumento do uso de substâncias.
Национальные политики и ключевые заинтересованные стороны в Центральной Азии расширяют свои знания о системе обеспечения качества, связанной с расстройствами, связанными с употреблением наркотиков, посредством тренингов УНП ООН
Региональное представительство УНП ООН в Центральной Азии (РПЦА) провело серию национальных тренингов «Обеспечение качества (ОК) систем лечения расстройств, связанных с употреблением наркотиков», которые прошли с 27 по 28 февраля 2023 года...
National policymakers and key stakeholders in Central Asia enhance their knowledge on drug use disorder system Quality Assurance through UNODC trainings
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) conducted a series of National Trainings “UNODC Drug Use Disorder Treatment Systems Quality Assurance (QA)” which took place 27 to 28 February 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, from 2 to 3 March...
OSFE Prevent App
App sobre prevención! El juego OSFE Prevent ya se puede descargar desde las tiendas Play y Apple.
Χρήση κάνναβης στην υποσαχάρια Αφρική
Ιστορικό και στόχοι
Τα πιο διαθέσιμα στοιχεία σχετικά με την επικράτηση της χρήσης κάνναβης προέρχονται από έρευνες πληθυσμού που διεξήχθησαν σε χώρες υψηλού εισοδήματος στη Βόρεια Αμερική, την Ωκεανία και την Ευρώπη...
Empowering Communities to Face Substance Use and Behavioural Health Problems Through Innovatory Prevention Initiatives
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Seventeenth Session)
Ecolink awards honor two outstanding women
Ecolink Institute in India has honored two outstanding women professionals engaged in the prevention and management of Substance Use Disorder, in connection with the International Women's Day celebration.
Odireleng Kasale, a recovery...
Panda - The perfect digital companion on the road to recovery
Habilidades e práticas parentais
A relação entre as crianças e seus pais tem uma grande influência na maioria das esferas do desenvolvimento da criança. Otimizadas, as habilidades, comportamentos e práticas parentais influenciam positivamente na autoestima, no sucesso...
Health Equity Urgently Needed for Females
While females consume about half of the nonmedical use of substances, shockingly, less than 20% of people in treatment are females and this disparity is even larger in some countries. Explore why and the response needed in this new video.
Developing the Addiction Workforce in Africa: Progress and Issues
Η γλώσσα του στίγματος και της διαταραχής χρήσης ουσιών
Os riscos do cigarro eletrônico
Um artigo publicado no Jornal O Globo na última semana de fevereiro/2023, contesta um artigo anterior do mesmo jornal intitulado “O dilema do cigarro eletrônico” e publicado no dia 21/02, em que o autor do mesmo defendia que o cigarro...
Μονοπάτια 2 Πρόληψη Podcast
Ελάτε μαζί μας για το podcast «Pathways to Prevention» του Drug Free America Foundation, καθώς εμπλέκουμε ενδιαφερόμενους από όλο το φάσμα της μείωσης της ζήτησης ναρκωτικών, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της κυβέρνησης, της ακαδημαϊκής κοινότητας...
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