Musni, S. G. E., & Cabbigat-Wetherick, F. K. (2024). Experiences of UTC-trained addiction professionals. Adiktologie, 24(1), 41–48.
INTRODUCTION: In response to the emerging recognition of the need for Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) for treating PSUDs, the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) was conceptualised as a training series that is being conducted globally. This study delved into the experiences of addiction practitioners who completed the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) training and utilize their UTC background to provide care for people with substance use disorder (PSUD).
METHODS: Ten addiction practitioners were interviewed, and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was employed to analyse the...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 17 Agosto 2022
The training on Universal Treatment Curriculum 1 & 2 organized by Foundation for Changing Lives Against Substance Abuse (FOCLASA) took place between 1st to 6th August, 2022 at the conference hall of Smile View Hotel, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Felipe, M. V., Melgar, M. I., & Johnson, K. (2022). Adaptation of the Universal Treatment Curriculum to Philippine context and online environment. Adiktologie, 22(1), 21–26.
The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) is offered to the academic community to integrate substance use-specific knowledge, skills, and evidence-based practices into the continuing professional development of current and future service providers. Although widely disseminated in many countries, the adaptation focuses on language translation and in-person trainings.
This study aims to describe the processes and evaluate the results of UTC academic integration as an online course offering in the Philippines.
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 25 Febrero 2022
In order to endorse the evidence-based practices in the field of addiction treatment in Pakistan, ITRAMIC Foundation Lahore organized virtual training for treatment staff and professionals from 22nd to 29th October 2021, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control of Pakistan. The training was imparted on the following curriculum:
Curriculum 1: Physiology and Pharmacology for Addiction Professionals
The following Pakistani National Trainers facilitated the training:
Los días 13 y 14 de diciembre de 2021 se celebró en Tashkent (Uzbekistán) el Taller Regional UNODC/OMS sobre las Normas Internacionales para el Tratamiento de los Trastornos por Consumo de Drogas (DUD) en formato híbrido. Asistieron al evento 25 responsables de la formulación de políticas de Asia Central y funcionarios de alto nivel del Ministerio de Salud y otros ministerios pertinentes que participan en la formulación de políticas, la planificación, la financiación, la prestación, la supervisión y la evaluación de los servicios de tratamiento y las intervenciones para el trastorno por...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 5 Octubre 2021
The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme is pleased to share this Training Report on Universal Treatment Curriculum 4A, psychoeducation for clients & Families.
Ecolink Institute is organizing an online training on Universal Treatment Curriculum on Substance Use Disorder in Tamil language for the Tamil speaking SUD practitioners around the glove, especially from Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and...
The Ecolink Institute, Mangalore, India is starting its 6th international batch on Universal Treatment Curriculum on Substance Use Disorder from 02 October 2021. This is a weekend course and classes are held only on Saturdays from 3 PM...
Ecolink Institute successfully completes its 3rd Batch on UTC training
Mangalore: Ecolink Institute of Well-being, an India based training Institute who pioneered online live training of the Universal Treatment Curriculum successfully completed its 3rd international batch recently.
Padmashree Shanthi Ranganathan, founder of TTK Hospital and an internationally known SUD activist chaired the closing ceremony and gave her closing remarks. She said it was an outstanding achievement for Ecolink to offer this training to students from several countries, despite the adverse circumstances.
Ecolink Institute opens Alumni Association of UTC students
The students of the Universal Treatment Curriculum on Substance Use Disorder under the Ecolink Institute have opened an International Alumni Association to strengthen and promote evidence based practices in the field of SUD.
The Ecolink-UTC Alumni association was formally inaugurated on 31 July by Ms. Shanthi Ranganathan, a veteran Indian social worker during the graduation ceremony of the 3rd batch of UTC students. Shanthi Ranganathan is the founder of T. T. Ranganathan Clinical Research Foundation, managing the TTK Hospital for...
UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia supported regional training of trainers (ToT) on Course 11 “Enhancing Motivational Interviewing Skills”. This course is part of the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders (UTC training package) for national trainers from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan which took place offline in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on 24-28 May 2021.
16 members of national teams of trainers from Tajikistan (5) and Uzbekistan (11) took part in the training. The main objectives of this training were to provide a comprehensive understanding of the...
Las pandemias y las emergencias sanitarias, como el actual brote de COVID-10, pueden costar muchas vidas y plantear riesgos adicionales para la economía mundial y la seguridad y estabilidad en general. Garantizar el acceso continuo a la atención de salud durante una pandemia, incluidos los servicios para las personas que consumen drogas y el tratamiento de los trastornos por consumo de drogas, es clave no solo para proteger la salud de las poblaciones, sino también para la seguridad y la estabilidad.
Los trastornos por consumo de drogas suelen ir acompañados de afecciones somáticas como el...
Shared by Joanna
(ISSUP staff) - 23 Noviembre 2020
La pandemia de COVID-19 y las restricciones asociadas a ella han cambiado la vida de las personas en casi todos los países. Sin embargo, muy pocos se dan cuenta de cómo ha cambiado la vida de las personas con trastornos por consumo de drogas, que se encuentran entre las más vulnerables y necesitan atención continua. Por un lado, el cierre de fronteras durante la cuarentena ha provocado una drástica reducción del acceso a los estupefacientes. Por otro lado, la pérdida de ingresos se ha convertido en un problema para las personas con muchas formas de dependencia acompañadas de diversas...