La Red Anti-Estigma
¡La Red Anti-Estigma ha sido lanzada!
La Misión
La Red Anti-Estigma ha sido creada por un grupo de organizaciones que se unen con una misión compartida.
Colectivamente, su objetivo es mejorar la comprensión del estigma y la...
CIJ Informa 99
In the 99th edition of the CIJ Informa magazine, you can find a selection of news on the activities carried out by Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ), the host institution of the ISSUP Mexico National Chapter.
On this occasion, the...
2022-2023 Medical Council on Alcohol (MCA) Legacy Essay Competition
It has been widely reported that youth alcohol consumption has decreased over recent years. What is the evidence to support this view? What are the implications for alcohol related health harm, promotion of safe drinking and health policy?
...Coloquio sobre "Respuesta al nexo entre las experiencias adversas de la infancia y el consumo de drogas"
Organizado porSociedad para la Promoción de la Juventud y las Masas (Capítulo de la India de ISSUP)
Con el apoyo de la Sociedad...
Clínica / campamento de psiquiatría gratuito mensual por ISSUP Pakistán, Sociedad Psiquiátrica de Pakistán el 29 de abril de 2023 en Rawalakot-AJK
Dr. Syed Azhar Ali Kazmi: Miembro Psiquiatra Consultor Comité Ejecutivo ISSUP Capítulo de Pakistán, Jefe del Capítulo Sociedad de Psiquiatría de Pakistán- AJK, Departamento de Psiquiatría de HOD Colegio Médico de Poonch CHM Rawalakot-AJK...
PTACC Annual Deflection Summit Call for International Presentadores
Ahora se están aceptando propuestas para la Cumbre Nacional de Desvío y Desvío Pre-arresto de la Policía de 2023 de la Policía y Tratamiento y la Colaboración Comunitaria (PTACC).
Todas las presentaciones deben cargarse antes del 5 de...
Encuesta VNGOC - compromiso de la sociedad civil hacia 2024 y más allá
VNGOC quiere escuchar a sus miembros y otras organizaciones interesadas de la sociedad civil cómo imaginan un compromiso significativo de la sociedad civil con las agencias con sede en Viena involucradas en el establecimiento de políticas...
Colloquium on “Responding to the Nexus between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Drug Use”
ISSUP India conducted a one-day colloquium titled “Responding to the Nexus between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Drug Use” with the support of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, AIIMS on 15th April...
The 9th Anniversary of Ahsania Mission Women Drug Treatment Centre
Social stigma is the main obstacle for female substance users’ treatment.
Social stigma is the reason why females who use substances are unwilling to seek treatment. The rate of substance abuse among the female is frightfully increasing...
Signing of MoU between Gujranwala Police Officer and Mian Afzal Trust Hospital, Gujranwala Pakistan
City police officer (CPO) Gujranwala Ayyaz Saleem and Chairman, Mian Afzal Trust Hospital Gujranwala Mr Sana Ullah Rathore signed MoU between Gujranwala Police and Mian Afzal Trust Hospital Gujranwala Pakistan for cooperation in provision...
Newsletter Issue 25, March 2023
ISSUP India has been appreciated by Hon'ble Judges from Delhi High Court, India for their work with children in Substance use.
Pakistan Youth Organization organized side event to showcase common position on drugs during CND
Pakistan Youth Organization (PYO) in collaboration with VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group has organized a hybrid side event in MEO 79 to showcase a common position on drugs drafted by VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group in Vienna...
Better Than Well- Recovery Programme to Support Students in England
The consequences of addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol, or engaging in certain behaviours like gambling, gaming, or sex, can be severe. Addiction is often a response to underlying trauma and social stressors, and continued use...
Training Report on Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention
Foundation for Changing Lives Against Substance Abuse in response to addressing the urgent need for more addiction workforce that can deliver evidence-based prevention program in Nigeria, requested the NATIONAL COUNCIL...
Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention in Schools, Colleges and Universities by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical College Rawalakot-AJK in Collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan, Pakistan Psychiatric Society AT
Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention In Schools, Colleges, and Universities organized by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical Collage Rawalakot-AJK in collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan Chapter...
Monthly Free Psychiatry Clinic/Camp by ISSUP Pakistan, Pakistan Psychiatric Society on 25th March, 2023 at Rawalakot-AJK
Dr. Syed Azhar Ali Kazmi: Consultant Psychiatrist Member Executive Committee ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Chapter Chief Pakistan Psychiatric Society- AJK, HOD Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical College CHM Rawalakot-AJK with ISSUP Pakistan...
Cuidados Primários Pediátricos e a Prevenção
Os pediatras e demais prestadores de cuidados primários pediátricos podem desempenhar um papel vital na linha de frente da prevenção, abordando fatores importantes relacionados ao atraso no início e/ou aumento do uso de substâncias.
Национальные политики и ключевые заинтересованные стороны в Центральной Азии расширяют свои знания о системе обеспечения качества, связанной с расстройствами, связанными с употреблением наркотиков, посредством тренингов УНП ООН
Региональное представительство УНП ООН в Центральной Азии (РПЦА) провело серию национальных тренингов «Обеспечение качества (ОК) систем лечения расстройств, связанных с употреблением наркотиков», которые прошли с 27 по 28 февраля 2023 года...
National policymakers and key stakeholders in Central Asia enhance their knowledge on drug use disorder system Quality Assurance through UNODC trainings
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) conducted a series of National Trainings “UNODC Drug Use Disorder Treatment Systems Quality Assurance (QA)” which took place 27 to 28 February 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, from 2 to 3 March...
Contribuye al Intercambio de Conocimientos: Miembros de ISSUP pueden publicar artículos en el Intercambio de Conocimientos – Entra o hazte miembro