Imágenes estigmatizantes de los trastornos por consumo de sustancias: una exploración cualitativa
Mental Well-Being and Addictions: An Insight into the Migration Phenomenon through Health
Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ), host institution of the ISSUP Mexico Chapter, carries out various activities related to the challenges of migration.
On this occasion we share an article that is part of the International News...
Adicciones y bienestar mental: una mirada al fenómeno migratorio a través de la salud
Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ) institución anfitriona del Capítulo ISSUP México, lleva a cabo diversas actividades relacionadas con los desafíos de la migración.
En esta ocasión compartimos un artículo que forma parte de la ...
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (20th Session)
Training on UTC 05 by ITRAMIC Foundation Lahore
ITRAMIC Foundation Lahore conducted a Virtual Training on UTC 05 from 24th November to 04th December 2023 for Addiction Professionals of Pakistan
The Principles of Harm Reduction for Patients with Opioid Dependence: Opioid agonist maintenance therapy.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Reading List
Training for Trainers in Addressing Psychological Trauma in Combat Veterans and POWs in Ukraine
Here are the links to the Ukraine ITTC’s videos from their recent training in Prague for veterans, all presented in Ukrainian. Delve into these insightful sessions, covering a range of topics to empower and assist veterans on their...
2022 NSDUH Annual National Report
Read key findings from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This report highlights 2022 statistics on substance use, mental health, and treatment in the United States. These national indicators are...
A Leap Forward in a Single Day: Monthly ISSUP Philippines Updates
The previous month continues to be productive for the ISSUP Philippine Chapter and its host organization, the Philippine Addiction Specialists Society; we were fortunate to be invited to several events and projects that aim to improve the...
SAMHSA: Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in Behavioural Healthcare
SAMHSA report discusses the evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) as a comprehensive approach, as well as for the implementation and effectiveness of the individual...
Instrument: Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)
The Drug Abuse Screen Test (DAST-10) was designed to provide a brief, self-report instrument for population screening, clinical case finding and treatment evaluation research. It can be used with adults and older youth.
The DAST-10...
The WHO ASSIST package for hazardous and harmful substance use
The ASSIST package, which consists of a brief questionnaire, a guide for health professionals on how to use the questionnaire in detecting and responding to substance use and also a self-help manual for cutting down or stopping substance...
AUDIT : the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test : guidelines for use in primary health care
This manual introduces the AUDIT, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, and describes how to use it to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption. It is distributed with "Brief intervention for...
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part III: Examples of Stimulant Use Treatment Programmes.
La Revista CIJ Informa, es publicada por Centros de Integración Juvenil, (CIJ) Institución anfitriona del Capítulo ISSUP México 🇲🇽. En ella podrán enterarse de las diferentes actividades realizadas desde la Institución, el Capítulo Nacional...
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part II: Risky Behaviour and Chem Sex Associated with Stimulant Use
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part I: About Amphetamine Type Stimulants and Stimulant Use Disorder
DIMS Annual Report 2022
The DIMS annual report 2022 covers the concentrations, adulterations, and other relevant information produced by DIMS in the past year, and in doing so forms a topical image of the Dutch drug market. Spread out over all Dutch provinces, the...
Contribuye al Intercambio de Conocimientos: Miembros de ISSUP pueden publicar artículos en el Intercambio de Conocimientos – Entra o hazte miembro