Salud pública
Motivational Interviewing: A Pathway to Partnership in Care
Motivational Interviewing (MI) has long been a personal favourite amongst intervention modalities. Much of the work my teams and I have done in the Addiction Psychiatry Division at the University of Cape Town has been anchored in MI’s core...
Using Social Media to Promote Life Skills Among Adolescents: A Debate on Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications for Health and Education
The digitalization of society blurs the boundaries between the analog and digital worlds, providing opportunities such as telemedicine and global connectivity. However, it also introduces risks, including cyberbullying, addiction...
Barriers to 12-month treatment of common anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders in the World Mental Health (WMH) surveys
There is a high unmet need for mental health treatment worldwide. Understanding the barriers to treatment is essential for developing effective programs to address this issue.
Data on treatment barriers were collected...
NAADAC 2025 Annual Conference: Call for Presentations
We invite you to submit a proposal at the NAADAC Annual Conference: Addiction Pros 2025! NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, will hold its 2025 Annual Conference on October 11-13, 2025, in Seattle, WA, at the Hyatt Regency...
Self-Regulation and Risk Behavior of Adolescents Aged 15–20
INTRODUCTION: According to Brichcín (1999), a self-regulating person is someone who can resist the temptation of immediate gratification of their needs and is capable of achieving challenging goals. Self-regulation represents the ability to...
Risk Factors for Substance Use among University Students in Ukraine during Wartime
INTRODUCTION: The impact of ongoing conflict in the country on substance use among youth remains unclear. This study aims to identify the risk factors for substance use among university students and their association with mental health...
The Relationship Between Depressive Symptomatology and Alcohol Consumption in the Latin American Population Based on Gender and Age
The comorbidity between depression and alcohol consumption is a public health concern, affecting progression, treatment adherence, and outcomes. Alcohol use in Latin America exceeds the global average. This study examined the...
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни»
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни» відбулася у Києві 10-11 жовтня 2024 р. у гібридному форматі (офлайн і онлайн).
Development of a Personalized Feedback Intervention Targeting Pain-Related Anxiety for Adults Reporting Hazardous Drinking and Chronic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Individuals with chronic pain are more likely to engage in hazardous alcohol use compared to the general population. Despite this increased risk, they are an underserved group regarding targeted interventions. There is a pressing need to...
Unravelling Risk-Taking in Youth: Pathways to Positive Change
Reflections on Mental Health Day 2024
Enhancing Well-being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners
Mental Health and Substance Use Among University Students in Ukraine During the War: Results of a Nationwide Survey
Cost-Effectiveness of Digital Mental Health Versus Usual Care During Humanitarian Crises in Lebanon: Pragmatic Randomized Trial
Digital mental health interventions for depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders are generally cost-effective, but evidence is lacking for guided digital mental health care in low and middle-income countries (LMICs)...
Relación entre el trastorno de depresión y la adicción a Internet en jóvenes del Aglomerado Gran Buenos Aires.
The present work seeks to analyse whether there is a relationship between the development of depression disorder and Internet addiction. For its development, the results of the Beck Depression Inventory were evaluated in a group of 60...
Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The report, "Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids 2024 Update," examines the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids, emphasizing their effects, efficacy, and the need for more rigorous research. Key...
Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain
Background: Limited research has been conducted on lifetime trauma exposure among individuals undergoing medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD). A multisite study provided an opportunity to investigate the prevalence of...
Looking Back: A retirement interview with Jeff Lee
Cannabis, Mental Health and Substance Use Health Summary Report
The Cannabis, Mental Health, and Substance Use Health: Research Knowledge Exchange Event Summary Report presents the findings and themes discussed at an event jointly hosted by CCSA (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction) and the...
Narcissistic Phenomena in Patients with Substance Use Disorder: Narrative Review
The interplay between pathological narcissism and substance use disorder (SUD) complicates diagnosis and treatment planning. A lack of clarity and consensus surrounding the different forms of narcissism has made it difficult...
Contribuye al Intercambio de Conocimientos: Miembros de ISSUP pueden publicar artículos en el Intercambio de Conocimientos – Entra o hazte miembro