2025 NIDA International Forum Call for Research Poster Abstract Submissions and Travel Award Requests
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни»
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни» відбулася у Києві 10-11 жовтня 2024 р. у гібридному форматі (офлайн і онлайн).
Seasonal Variations in Treatment Seeking for Alcohol Use Disorder in the Total Danish Population
A significant number of individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) do not seek treatment, and the factors influencing treatment-seeking behavior are not well understood. While it is known that alcohol consumption levels can fluctuate with...
Reflections on Mental Health Day 2024
Purging to Cleanse: A Qualitative Study of Ayahuasca Healing at a Drug Treatment Center in Peru
Objective: Ayahuasca, a plant-based substance from the Amazon, is gaining attention for its potential in treating addiction. However, there is little research on the role of purging (mainly vomiting), which is a key part of the healing...
56th ASAM Annual Conference: Call for Abstracts & Proposals
Open September 4 - October 11, 2024
Goals & Objectives
ASAM members and non-members are invited to submit abstracts for poster presentations, focus sessions, and workshop sessions. ASAM encourages investigators, researchers...
Day 2, 16:00 - 15:30, ICUDDR, From Research to Practice: Insights from Global Initiatives
Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 27th of June, 2024.
Moderator: Dr. Jallal Toufiq (⚑ Morocco) - ICUDDR
Diep Nguyen - The Implementation of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in Vietnam: A Scoping Review of...
Enhancing Well-being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners
2024 UNODC World Drug Report highlights, brief reflections.
The World Drug Report (WDR) is published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2023). It serves to collate data received from United Nations member states which enables the...
Severe Alcohol Use Disorder and No Place to Live: Are Managed Alcohol Programs the Way Forward?
National Chapters Advisory Committee Maiden Webinar: Utilising ISSUP Online Resources
On 17th April 2024 the ISSUP National Chapters Advisory Committee hosted its maiden webinar, “Utilising ISSUP Online Resources” for National Chapter focal points. The 60-minute virtual session held in both English and Spanish offered an in...
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (20th Session)
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Reading List
Science of Self-Care: How It Helps and Why It Matters
La pericia psicológica y su valoración en la imposición de sanciones penales en casos con consumo de sustancias psicoactivas
Around the world, using drugs is connected to both the legal system and the health system. Studies suggest a link between drug use and crime, but they say it's not a direct cause. In many countries, the legal system is...
Who Helps The Helper? A Skills Transfer Program for Behavioural and Substance Use Professionals
Synthetic Opioids: Navigating a Changing Landscape in the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Estigma de profesionales de la salud y psicosociales hacia personas que usan drogas
Explorando las representaciones de los cigarrillos electrónicos: un análisis de contenido y temático de la cobertura de noticias en línea africanas
Antecedentes: El uso de cigarrillos electrónicos ha experimentado un aumento significativo a nivel mundial en los últimos años, y muchos países informan un aumento en los usuarios. Sin embargo, la forma en que las noticias africanas...
Diferencias de género en la morbilidad física en pacientes tratados con agonistas opioides: estudios de cohortes poblacionales de la República Checa y Noruega
Antecedentes: Los problemas de salud física son frecuentes en las personas que reciben tratamiento con agonistas opioides (TAO). Entre 2010 y 2019 se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre estos problemas de salud en pacientes con TAO en la...
Contribuye al Intercambio de Conocimientos: Miembros de ISSUP pueden publicar artículos en el Intercambio de Conocimientos – Entra o hazte miembro