Profile picture for user emmanpsy Emmanuel Akpan The Oleaster Recovery and Wellbeing Centre, Abuja, Nigeria
Profile picture for user wendyber12 Wendy Veranní Bernal Ruíz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Profile picture for user matt.gehrlein Matthew Gehrlein Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Pharmacy
Profile picture for user goarsuwa Suwa G. Goar Department of Psychiatry, University of Jos/Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos and Quintessential Healthcare Centre Rayfield, Jos.
Profile picture for user winstongopaul Winston Gopaul Sbastance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Programme
Profile picture for user iloanusichukwuagoziem Chukwuagoziem A. Iloanusi University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria
Profile picture for user ericarhinful Eric Kweku arhinful Country alliance on mental illness/ HeFA Addiction Recovery Place ( HARP)
Profile picture for user dlesme Diana Silvia Lesme Romero Universidad Catolica "Ntra. Sra. de la Asuncion"/ ICUDDR (International Consortium of Universities in Drug Demand Reduction)I Member of Board of Directors National Chapter ISSUP Paraguay
Profile picture for user rodrigoloperaisaza Rodrigo Lopera Isaza Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social
Profile picture for user shamsuzzaman.psy2017 Md. Shamsuzzaman Mollah Moner Susthota, Audiology Bangladesh
Profile picture for user nwogacharles DR NWOGA CHARLES NNAEMEKA Jos University Teaching Hospital Plateau State
Profile picture for user susanta.pgi30 Dr Susanta Kuamar Padhy Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India
Profile picture for user b.perez Bartolome Perez-Galvez Universidad Miguel Hernandez (Dpto. Medicina Clínica). Alicante, España.
Profile picture for user rodriguezdelrosarioc Carmen Zujaila Rodriguez del Rosario Centro de Atención Integral a NNA en Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas