The ISSUP activities funded by the U.S. Department of State are temporarily suspended.
This website will remain live, but ISSUP is not currently monitoring or updating it. No new membership applications will be accepted or reviewed, no posts or comments will be possible, and members cannot login.
This information will be updated with any change in circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.

Juan de Dios Iñiguez Benitez


Juan de Dios Iñiguez Benitez -
Lázaro Adicciones

Centro de tratamiento 100 % On Line para consumo problemático, adicción o dependencia.

Con o Sin sustancia

Enfoque Centrado en la Persona (escuela rogeriana)

Terapia No Directiva

Buscamos establecer alianzas en Chile con psicolog@s, clínicas, psquiatras o medic@s

Conocenos mejor en

Juan de Dios I…

Mi contacto

+34 631 129 654

info [at] juandedios [dot] net