Clinical Supervision in Botswana
Toxicología del Alcohol
Ligne directrice à l’intention des pairs atteints d’un trouble lié à l’utilisation d’opioïdes qui reçoivent un traitement par agonistes opioïdes.
J’ai le plaisir de vous présenter le résultat du travail de notre grande équipe : la troisième version du guide à l’intention des pairs consultants qui travaillent avec des personnes ayant reçu un traitement par agonistes opioïdes.
Dans ce...
Extended-release pharmacotherapies for Substance Use Disorders in incarcerated populations
A history of harmful substance use or dependence is common among people in Criminal Justice Systems (CJSs) around the world. The time after an individual has left the CJS is of elevated risk for those with harmful substance use - with high...
Sex and gender differences in HCV risk and cascade of care among people who inject drugs
This seminar explored why it is important to study sex and gender differences in people who inject drugs, with reference to examples relevant to hepatitis C risk and the cascade of care. It included an overview of why we study sex and...
Pharmacological management of acute methamphetamine withdrawal
About the webinar:
This seminar provided an overview of Liam’s PhD studies, beginning with a systematic review and meta-analysis of previously researched pharmacological treatments for methamphetamine withdrawal.
It then proposed a novel...
New rule in New Zealand requires warning on all packaged alcohol
A new rule will require all packaged alcohol being sold to have warnings on the label about the harm it can cause to unborn babies.
The food safety agency says the move is supported by advice from doctors, midwives, the Ministry of Health...
National Drug Treatment Reporting System 2022: Alcohol Treatment Demand
In this bulletin, data on treated problem alcohol use for the year 2022 are presented, followed by trends for the seven-year period from 2016 to 2022.
The data are from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS), the national...
Healing Families, Helping Systems: A Trauma-Informed Practice Guide for Working with Children, Youth & Families
This guide is concerned with advancing understanding and action about trauma-informed approaches that support program and service delivery for/with children, youth, and families. A trauma-informed approach is a system-wide approach that is...
Stigmatising imagery for substance use disorders
Stigma is a barrier to treatment for individuals with substance use issues. Although there has been research conducted exploring the impact of stigmatising language, less is known about the effects of stigmatising images.
This qualitative...
Introduction to Forensic Substance Use Evaluation
UNODC conducted Regional Training of Trainers on UTC 20 in Central Asia
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia in collaboration with Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, UNODC HQ held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 20 – “Populations with Special Clinical Needs” which took place...
Ecolink concludes short courses on Science of addiction among youths
Ecolink Institute has concluded two batches on the science of addiction among youths, mostly from Universities, with the intention to provide them an introduction to psychoactive substances and how it affects their brain and cause addiction...
Toward an optimized assessment of adolescent psychopathology risk: Multilevel environmental profiles and child irritability as predictors
O poder das Habilidades Parentais na Recuperação Familiar
Quando a sombra do uso de substâncias paira sobre um lar, as habilidades parentais assumem um papel crucial na construção de um ambiente de recuperação e crescimento para toda a família. Este artigo explora a importância dessas habilidades...
Kenya Substance Use Prevention Shaping Up
In 2021, Kenya through the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) developed the National Guidelines on Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention. The goal of the Guidelines was to establish minimum requirements...
“People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention and treatment” in Mexico
“I had to become a person with drug use disorders to realize that we are all human.”
These heartfelt words come from Brenda Torres Carrillo, a nurse working with the civil association PrevenCasa in Tijuana and a former user of drugs:...
Partenariats communautaires pour lutter contre la toxicomanie
À l’occasion de la Journée internationale contre l’abus et le trafic illicite de drogues 2023, un conseil communautaire de lutte contre la toxicomanie à Baguio a mené un dialogue avec la police et des membres de la communauté. L’objectif...
“NAVCHETNA: A new Consciousness on Life Skills and Drug Education for School Children”
NAVCHETNA Training for Master Trainers has successfully completed at SCERT, Punjab conducted by ISSUP India Chapter. The training took place from 17th - 19th July 2023 for three batches simultaneously in Hindi, English and Punjabi languages...
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