Call for Speakers: INCB Civil Society Hearing 2024
We are looking for civil society experts wishing to speak at this years INCB Civil Society Hearing
Topic: “scenarios and possible responses to the rapid expansion of synthetic drug manufacture, trafficking, marketing and consumption”
Acelerar los Sistemas de Prevención en las Políticas sobre Drogas: nuevas iniciativas
Strategies in Media and Social Media for Substance Use Prevention
Adicción a la Pornografía
Ponente: Dra. María Victoria Arévalo Prieto, Ph.D
Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales con Mención en Psicología: Universidad de Radboud, Nimega Holanda. Posgrado en Terapia Conductual Cognitiva Universidad Libre-Berlín Alemania. Diploma de...
Can a "treatment specialist" also be seen as a "prevention specialist" and vice versa?
Restructuring of National Chapters Advisory Committee
The National Chapters Advisory Committee has embraced a new format of leadership and expanded its membership in the Latin American Region.
The new structure of leadership for the Advisory Committee consists of two (2) Co-Chairpersons. The...
National Prevention Week 2024
The National Prevention Week planning and promotional materials were created to help your ongoing prevention efforts. You can help raise awareness about the importance of positive mental health and substance misuse prevention by hosting...
Call for Proposals: 2024 Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative (PTACC) International Deflection and Pre-arrest Diversion Summit
Proposals are now being accepted for the 2024 Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative (PTACC) International Deflection and Pre-arrest Diversion Summit. All submissions must be uploaded by April 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM PDT in order to be...
Call for Abstracts - 15th EUSPR Conference
We are pleased to announce that the call for abstracts for EUSPR 2024 opens on 22 March 2024 and will close on 19 April 2024. Outcomes will be sent before the end of our Early Bird registration period, so you will have plenty of time to...
Call for Presentation - CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute
CADCA is requesting training session proposals addressing the latest research findings, cutting-edge program sucesses, lessons learned or problems solved. Training Sessions should be interactive and engaging and include activities that get...
Different components of cognitive-behavioral therapy affect specific cognitive mechanisms
Psychological therapies are among the most effective treatments for common mental health problems—however, we still know relatively little about how exactly they improve symptoms. Here, we demonstrate the power of combining theory...
The prevalence of cannabis use disorders in people who use medicinal cannabis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The prevalence of cannabis use disorders (CUDs) in people who use cannabis recreationally has been estimated at 22%, yet there is a dearth of literature exploring CUDs among people who use medicinal cannabis. We aimed...
A telemedicine bridge clinic improves access and reduces cost for opioid use disorder care
We evaluated the impact of a telemedicine bridge clinic on treatment outcomes and cost for patients with opioid use disorder. Telemedicine bridge clinics deliver low-barrier rapid assessment of patients with opioid use...
Behavioural mental health interventions delivered in the emergency department for suicide, overdose and psychosis: a scoping review
Objective To identify and describe evidence on brief emergency department (ED)-delivered behavioural and care process interventions among patients presenting with suicide attempt or acute ideation, substance overdose or psychosis...
A transcriptomic analysis in mice following a single dose of ibogaine identifies new potential therapeutic targets
Ibogaine (IBO) is an atypical psychedelic with a complex mechanism of action. To date, the mechanisms that may underlie its anti-addictive effects are still not defined. This study aims to identify changes in gene expression...
Stimulants: Understanding Use, Impact, and Responses Reading List
Stimulants are a class of drugs that act on the central nervous system, increasing alertness, energy, and attention while elevating mood. They achieve these effects by enhancing the activity of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and...
Pharmacological and Behavioral Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid use disorder (OUD) in the United States has surged, with an estimated 2.5 million needing treatment. The aim of this article is to provide a clinical overview of the key pharmacological and behavioral treatments...
Cannabis Use Linked to Elevated Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Risk
The absence of mandatory pregnancy warning labels in online alcohol purchasing contexts
Introduction: As people increasingly migrate to online shopping platforms, hard-won improvements in requirements for consumer information provision at the point of sale are being eroded. An example is the alcohol pregnancy warning label for...
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