The anomalous pharmacology of fentanyl
Fentanyl is a key therapeutic, used in anaesthesia and pain management. It is alsoincreasingly used illicitly and is responsible for a large and growing number of opioidoverdose deaths, especially in North America. A number of factors have...
The Relationship Between Depressive Symptomatology and Alcohol Consumption in the Latin American Population Based on Gender and Age
The comorbidity between depression and alcohol consumption is a public health concern, affecting progression, treatment adherence, and outcomes. Alcohol use in Latin America exceeds the global average. This study examined the...
Intellectual Property of Psychedelics for Addiction Treatment: Enabling Access and Protecting Innovation Opportunities Through Preserving the Public Domain
Recent studies highlight the potential of psychedelic-based treatments for addiction. However, certain academic institutions, companies, and individuals are attempting to monopolize these compounds by exploiting the patent system.
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