COVID-19 related Intervention
Response strategies for substance use and COVID-19.
Informe Sobre La Sociedad Civil Y El Abordaje De Las Adicciones En El Contexto Del Covid-19
Herramientas, estrategias y dispositivos desarrollados por las Ong’s miembros de FONGA con el objetivo de garantizar la continuidad de la atención psicosocial y educativa en el contexto del COVID-19.
El presente proyecto se...
Pencegahan dalam Krisis COVID 19 - Webinar Orang Tua
COVID-19 menghadirkan situasi yang berubah dengan cepat bagi keluarga dan kaum muda. Ketakutan dan kecemasan bisa luar biasa dan menyebabkan emosi yang kuat terutama pada anak-anak dan remaja. Beberapa dari banyak hal yang mungkin dilakukan...
SPYM Newsletter
The Society for the Promoting of Youth and Masses (SPYM) have released their latest newsletter.
In this edition, you can read about the following successful initiaitves that SPYM have set up in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:
Seri Webinar ISAM tentang COVID-19 dan SUD: Perspektif Global tentang Tantangan dan Solusi Pertemuan ke-3
Pencegahan Utama di Dunia Pasca-Covid
Rekaman webinar: Pall Rikhardsson, Manajer Pengembangan Layanan, ICSRA; Emmet Mayor, Penghubung Masyarakat, Satuan Tugas Narkoba dan Alkohol Wilayah Barat, Irlandia; Samantha Menezes: Program Kualitas dan Praktek Memimpin - Program Tim Aksi...
Echo Online Training for Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free (CHILD) Curriculum
The Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) of the Colombo Plan in collaboration with the National Narcotics Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN) has successfully conducted the first online echo training for the CHILD curriculum on Course 1...
Webinar: ISSUP Indonesia - COVID-19 ~ Apa yang bisa dilakukan melalui kami
Webinar: Kesehatan Mental di Masa Pandemi COVID-19
Mendukung Siswa Selama COVID-19
Webinar yang disajikan oleh Cary Hopkins Eyles ini mencakup bagaimana membantu mahasiswa berhasil selama masa sulit dalam pendidikan mereka.
Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 period: May 2020
The aim of this paper is to analyse changes in alcohol consumption since the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We show that the frequency of alcohol consumption during COVID-19 is slightly higher for males than it was 2-3 years previously...
UNODC Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section: Questionnaire on COVID-19 and Drug Use Disorder Treatment Services
The Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) of UNODC developed a questionnaire to gather insights into the current challenges and responses to COVID-19 and the continuity of drug treatment services.
The questionnaire is...
Panduan untuk Kesehatan Mental dan Dukungan Psikososial untuk COVID-19
Dokumen ini memberikan panduan kepada Negara-negara Anggota Uni Afrika tentang pertimbangan utama kesehatan mental dan dukungan psikososial (MHPSS) sehubungan dengan pandemi penyakit virus corona 2019 (COVID-19).
Ini berisi panduan yang...
COVID-19 and Increased Alcohol Consumption: NANOS Poll Summary Report
The purpose of this study is to benchmark alcohol and cannabis consumption during the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as drivers of behaviour.
This report highlights the results of a Nanos poll commissioned by CCSA during the COVID-19...
Addiction Psychiatry and COVID-19 – Impact on Patients and Service Provision
"A Pandemic Within a Pandemic"- How Covid-19 Is Increasing Substance Abuse
In response to the global pandemic, people around the world have adjusted their ways of life.
Governments have imposed restrictions on the time people can spend with one another, forcing people to find alternative means of communication...
Informasi dan Sumber Daya Coronavirus (COVID-19) untuk Sektor AOD
Pusat Nasional untuk Pendidikan dan Pelatihan tentang Kecanduan (NCETA), Pusat Penelitian Obat dan Alkohol Nasional (NDARC) dan Institut Penelitian Obat Nasional (NDRI) telah menyusun daftar beberapa informasi dan sumber daya online yang...
When COVID-19 and Opioid Addiction Collide
We are witnessing, arguably, the greatest public health issue of our time. However, that is not to say the public health concerns that were present before the pandemic have disappeared.
Opioid addiction and opioid-related deaths continue...
NIDA Director Outlines Potential Risks to People Who Smoke and Use Drugs During COVID-19 Pandemic
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special...
Mengurangi Bahaya Alkohol Selama Isolasi Diri Perlu Pendekatan Terukur
Selama pandemi ini, orang-orang terpaksa menyesuaikan gaya hidup mereka untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19.
Penguncian dan pembatasan telah diberlakukan di sebagian besar negara, yang telah menyebabkan pub, restoran, dan bar ditutup. Hal...
Bekerja dengan orang-orang yang menggunakan narkoba dan yang tunawisma - Webinar SDF COVID-19
COVID-19 dan penguncian menghadirkan tantangan khusus bagi orang-orang yang terkena dampak tunawisma dan penggunaan zat serta layanan yang bekerja dengan mereka. Webinar COVID-19 gratis kedua SDF mencakup pembicara dari seluruh Skotlandia...
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