Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Menjembatani Kesenjangan pada NCD: Dari Janji Global ke Kemajuan Lokal
Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) diakui sebagai pembunuh dan penyebab kecacatan terbesar di dunia, yang merupakan krisis kesehatan global yang memerlukan respons kebijakan yang mendesak. Hal ini diakui oleh para pemimpin dunia pada tiga...
Peta jalan menuju Smokefree 2030
Pada Juli 2019, Pemerintah Inggris menetapkan ambisinya agar Inggris bebas asap rokok pada tahun 2030. Pedoman pemerintah mengatakan langkah selanjutnya seharusnya diumumkan pada 6 Januari 2020, tetapi belum melakukannya.
Beberapa badan...
Mengevaluasi Dampak Harga Unit Minimum (MUP) pada Konsumsi Berbasis Penjualan di Skotlandia
Peningkatan konsumsi alkohol dan bahaya terkait alkohol di Inggris dalam beberapa dekade terakhir telah berjalan seiring dengan meningkatnya keterjangkauan minuman beralkohol.
Harga Unit Minimum (menetapkan harga minimum di mana satu...
Call for Team Applications: Fifteenth Annual Sloboda and Bukoski SPR Cup
Significant advances in prevention science are often due to a team of individuals working closely together across many years. In recognition of the importance of the collaborative process to the field, the Society for Prevention Research...
Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Regular Use and Mental Health
Cannabis is one of the most widely used psychoactive substances in Canada.
The complex relationship between cannabis use and mental disorders has garnered significant attention as a public health issue
This is the first in a series of...
Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix: Effectiveness of Screening and Brief Interventions
First instalment of a fortnightly course on the evidence for alcohol treatment and related topics. This instalment selects, explains and explores seminal and key research on the...
Universal Treatment Curricula (UTC) Refresher Training and International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP) Examination for Treatment Practitioners in Pakistan
Working jointly the International Society of Substance Use Professional (ISSUP) Pakistan National Chapter and Drug Advisory Program (DAP) of the Colombo Plan, in collaboration with the US Department of State Bureau of International...
Rencana Aksi tentang Minum Remaja dan Minum Episodik Berat (2014–2016)
Pada tanggal 16 September 2014, Uni Eropa (UE) Negara-negara Anggota, yang diwakili oleh Komite Kebijakan dan Tindakan Alkohol Nasional (CNAPA), mengesahkan Rencana Aksi tentang Minum Remaja dan Minum Episodik Berat (Pesta Minum) (2014-2016...
Penggunaan Alkohol, Ketergantungan Alkohol dan Kondisi Kesehatan Mental
Beberapa faktor risiko utama untuk penyakit tidak menular (PTM) telah diidentifikasi, termasuk penggunaan alkohol yang berbahaya.
Setengah populasi dunia minum alkohol, dan penggunaan alkohol berbahaya adalah penyebab utama ketiga...
Cara Terbaik untuk Membuang Kebiasaan Buruk: Apa yang Sains Bisa Ajarkan Kepada Kita
Mengubah gaya hidup Anda dan membuat keputusan untuk membuang kebiasaan buruk bisa menjadi tantangan bagi kita semua.
Para peneliti dari Kings College London dan University of York merekomendasikan beberapa teknik sederhana yang telah...
Changes in Smoker Characteristics in England
Smoking in England has decreased over the last decade. It is vital to monitor the trends and examine the factors that may be influencing the downward curve, so as to maintain the pattern and make predictions about future smoking rates.
Substance Misuse and Young People: Critical Issues
Substance Misuse and Young People: Critical Issues is a comprehensive source of information on young people’s requirements for assessment, treatment and other interventions because of their misuse of substances. It highlights approaches...
ICUDDR Conference 2020: Call for Proposals & Save the Date!
The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) will be holding its annual conference at the Sukosol Hotel in Bangkok Thailand, July 13-15, 2020. Conference registration will begin March 1st.
ICUDDR is...
Scaife Medical Student Fellowship in Substance Use Disorders
With the generous support of the Scaife Family Foundation, the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA) is able to conduct this specialised program.
The program offers medical students an intensive learning...
Lisbon Addictions: Presentations & Posters
Following their 2019 conference, the Lisbon Addictions team have gathered posters and information about the presentations from the event.
The co-producers have built coherent packages of topical strands, sessions and guided poster tours...
UTC 6 and UTC 7 Training Report
The Education and Training Unit of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB) organised training on “UTC 06- Case Management for Addiction Professionals and UTC 07- Crisis Intervention for Addiction Professionals” for 28 staff...
Goal Commitment Predicts Cannabis Use for Adolescents in Treatment
Background: Commitment to change is an innovative potential mediator and mechanism of behaviour change (MOBC) that has not been examined in adolescents with cannabis use. The Adolescent Substance Abuse Goal Commitment (ASAGC) questionnaire...
Rapid Increase in the Prevalence of Cannabis Use Among People with Depression in the United States, 2005–17: The Role of Differentially Changing Risk Perceptions
To estimate trends in the prevalence of cannabis use and risk perceptions of cannabis use from 2005 to 2017 among United States people with and without depression.
Linear time trends of the prevalence of any...
National Addiction-Specific Institutional Infrastructure – Fundamental Prerequisite for Successful Implementation of Specialized Academic Degree Study Programmes: A Case Study in Historical Perspective
Objective: Human resources are crucial for addiction treatment and prevention services, as well as for science and research. The aim of this historical case study is to explain and demonstrate the role of specialized university academic...
Alcohol and Cancer Risks: A Guide for Health Professionals
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of mouth cancer, pharyngeal (upper throat) cancer, oesophageal (food pipe) cancer, laryngeal (voice box) cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and liver cancer.
Having conversations with patients about...
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