Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Sujatha Daruwo Project Sri Lanka
Introducing a project run since 2016 by the Preventive Education and Training Unit of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board of Sri Lanka. This project is called "Sujatha Daruwo" or "legitimize children" in English.
Project delivery...
The First Walk-Through Training on UTC 1 to 4 Held in Albania
Dear ISSUP members,
My name is Andia Meksi and I would like to share with you some information regarding UTC training held in Tirana, Albania.
The Colombo Plan- Drug Advisory Program and the University of California, San Diego in...
COVID-19 Guidance for Opioid Treatment Programs
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has developed new guidelines for professionals and organisations delivering substance use treatment in the US.
The guidelines cover.
- Guidance on pharmacotherapy...
TAP 34: Disaster Planning Handbook for Behavioral Health Treatment Programmes
This handbook offers guidance in creating a disaster preparedness and recovery plan for programs that provide treatment for mental illness and substance use disorders. It describes the planning process, preparing for a disaster, roles and...
Covid-19: Situs web Pusat Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Eropa
Pandemi COVID-19 berkembang pesat, dan penyelidikan wabah sedang berlangsung. Pusat Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Eropa (ECDC) memantau wabah ini dengan cermat, memberikan penilaian risiko, panduan kesehatan masyarakat, dan saran...
UTC University Training in Ukraine
The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) University training took place in Ukraine from the 10th to the 14th of March, 2020.
The aim of the training was to ensure that the multidisciplinary teams tackling substance use and addiction...
The Free Peer Recovery Support Webinar Series Starts on Friday, March 27
Peer recovery support services are increasingly becoming an important part of the behavioral healthcare workforce. They not only help people with behavioral health conditions connect to, engage in, and be active participants in treatment...
Coronavirus COVID-19 Information Summary
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers this situational summary and latest updates page for Coronavirus COVID-19.
The page includes information regarding:
- How coronvirus is spread
- Symptoms
- Prevention and...
Matriks Pengobatan Alkohol Bank Efektivitas: Menghasilkan Skrining Alkohol Di Seluruh Sistem dan Intervensi Singkat
Angsuran terbaru dari kursus dua minggu pada bukti untuk pengobatan alkohol dan intervensi singkat. Konteksnya adalah bahwa Institut Nasional Inggris untuk Kesehatan...
COVID-19: Potential Implications for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
As people across the U.S. and the rest of the world contend with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), this article warns that the research community should be alert to the possibility that it could hit some populations with substance use...
Increased Alcohol Advertisement Regulation in Kenya
One of the key recommendations to reduce alcohol related harm is for countries to introduce policies that regulate how companies advertise their alcohol products.
This measure, along with adjustments in alcohol taxation, is a measure...
Lembaga Perawatan Alkohol Pertama di Republik Ceko dan Republik Slowakia Saat Ini
Menggambar pada analisis kualitatif dokumen sejarah yang dipilih, makalah ini berusaha untuk memberikan definisi karakteristik umum dari fasilitas perawatan alkohol institusional pertama di Republik Ceko dan Slovakia...
WEBINAR: Cary Hopkins Eyles on Authentic Self-Care for Addiction Professionals
This webinar focuses on the issue of self-care for addiction professionals and was delivered by ICUDDR Deputy Director Cary Hopkins Eyles.
Many of us are drawn to work in the field of substance use disorders due to our history, family...
Penjangkauan untuk Orang-Orang yang Bertahan Overdosis Opioid
Seringkali dibutuhkan saat-saat kritis, seperti ketika seseorang selamat dari overdosis, untuk memotivasi perubahan perilaku.
Sangat penting bahwa pada saat-saat ini orang memiliki akses ke perawatan yang tepat.
Tujuan dari penelitian...
Trajectories of psychological distress during recovery from polysubstance use disorder
Introduction: Polysubstance use is a prevalent substance use pattern with adverse effects on psychological distress and diminished treatment outcomes. Although polysubstance use often dominates clinical practice, the trajectories...
Metodologi Mini-Course: Intervensi Tembakau Kesehatan Mobile Di Antara Perokok Berpenghasilan Rendah
Dalam SRNT-U Metodologi Mini-Course ini, Anda akan mendengar tentang karya Dr. Monica Webb Hooper dengan penggunaan mHealth untuk berhenti merokok di antara orang Afrika-Amerika berpenghasilan rendah. Anda akan belajar tentang:
- beberapa...
ASAP Training Project
For a number of years, different measures have been taken in Europe to improve the quality of drug prevention through developing and implementing quality standards, training sessions and analysis of drug prevention systems.
Based on the...
Masalah Kesehatan: Merokok dan Kesehatan Mental
Didokumentasikan dengan baik bahwa orang dengan masalah kesehatan mental yang parah lebih mungkin merokok dibandingkan dengan populasi umum. Merokok mengurangi kesejahteraan fisik dan merupakan faktor risiko utama yang dapat dimodifikasi...
EUSPR 2020 Call for Abstracts
EUSPR 2020 is being held in Lisbon, Portugal (at EMCDDA) on 8th and 9th October 2020, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the pre-conference day, October 7th.
The theme this year is ‘Make prevention science relevant for all...
Alkohol, Kehamilan, dan Kesehatan Bayi – Tanggung Jawab Bersama
"Dari semua pilihan gaya hidup yang kami buat dalam hubungannya dengan kehamilan, tidak ada yang lebih penting bagi kesehatan dan perkembangan masa depan anak daripada yang kami buat dalam kaitannya dengan alkohol."
Alkohol, kehamilan...
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