COVID-19 HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support for People who Use Drugs and People in Prisons

All people have the right to health, even in countries under lockdown or where a state of emergency has been declared.
People who use drugs can be particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 due to underlying health issues, stigma, social marginalization and higher economic and social vulnerabilities, including a lack of access to housing and health care.
The prison environment is highly conducive to the transmission of infections, including droplet infections such as COVID-19. This is due to several risk factors such as overcrowding and poor ventilation, as well as inadequate health services, in some countries.
UNODC is working with governments, civil society and community partners to:
- Assess the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on availability and accessibility of HIV prevention, treatment and care services.
- Assess the likelihood of interruption to HIV services for people who use drugs and people in prison and develop contingency plans for continued access to those services.
- Develop and disseminate specific technical guidance on HIV service provision for people who use drugs and people in prison in the context of COVID-19 prevention and control.
These graphics provide information on COVID-19 HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for people who use drugs and people in prisons.