Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Unplugged Newsletter
The European Drug Addiction Prevention trial team (EU-Dap) have put together their first 'Unplugged' newsletter!
The aim of the EU-Dap project is to contribute to the evidence concerning the effectiveness of drug prevention programs...
Mengurangi Hambatan untuk Penyelidikan Trauma dalam Perawatan SUD
Terlepas dari tingginya tingkat peristiwa traumatis pada klien dengan gangguan penggunaan zat, paparan trauma seringkali tetap tidak terdeteksi di sebagian besar klien yang mencari perawatan. Oleh karena itu, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan...
Impact of a Brief Intervention Program in Clinical Practice: Barriers and Adaptations
The present study analyzes the main barriers and adaptations to brief interventions that focus on addictive behavior treatments carried out in clinical settings by 756 health professionals during their adoption...
We are Family - Families and their Role in Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use, Crime and Violence, Including the Prevention of Recruitment into Violent Extremist Groups
The 28th Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) is being held from 20 - 24 May 2019. On Monday, 20 May 2019 UNODC's Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section organized a side event on We are Family: Families and...
Enhanced Knowledge of Serbian Policymakers on the Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
More than twenty-five (25) Serbian high-level decision makers from Ministries of Health, Education, Social Affairs and Counternarcotics are participating in the three-day workshop on creating humane, effective and evidence-based drug use...
Priorities for UNODC Work on Drug Prevention and Treatment in Southeastern Europe
The programme of work of UNODC in any region of the world is developed in a consultative process together with the concerned Member States. That is why UNODC organised a Regional Consultative Meeting on the Development of the Sub-Programme...
Infografis Gender dan Alkohol
The Society for the Study of Addiction Professorship
The Society’s key goals are to promote effective policy and practice and to support the development of stronger addiction science.
Through its Academic Fellowship scheme, launched in 2012, the Society is enabling high-calibre early and...
Pengawasan Obat Menggunakan Data Pencarian Internet Dari Google Trends
Dr Jacques Raubenheimer, dari The University of Sydney, menyajikan Pengawasan Obat Menggunakan Data Pencarian Internet Dari Google Trends: Apa Kemungkinannya.
Presentasi berfokus pada penggunaan alat yang dikembangkan oleh Dr...
Kesehatan Mental di Amerika: Gambaran Umum tentang Kesenjangan Perawatan
Pusat Sumber Daya Praktik Berbasis Bukti
Membandingkan Persyaratan Kredensial Staf Perawatan Penyalahgunaan Zat dengan Sumber Dana
Studi telah menemukan bahwa dokter dengan pendidikan tinggi dan / atau pencapaian sertifikasi nasional memiliki pandangan yang lebih menguntungkan mengenai adopsi praktik berbasis bukti. Namun, keputusan perekrutan staf mungkin didasarkan...
Podcast: Recovery-focused Care Planning
The Collaborate Care Planning Project (COCAPP) studies mental health risk, care planning and therapeutic relationships. This podcast interview with Alan Simpson and Sarah Carr explores the importance of assessing and managing risk, how to...
Pendekatan Kesehatan Masyarakat untuk Penggunaan Alkohol dan Bahaya Terkait di Iran
Di Iran, konsumsi, produksi, dan perdagangan alkohol dikriminalisasi bagi warga negara Muslim; Namun, alkohol bajakan dan konsumsi alkohol berbahaya adalah beban yang tidak boleh diabaikan.
Saat ini Kementerian Kesehatan Iran telah...
Alcohol Taxation Infographic
Alcohol taxation holds massive potential for global health, for helping achieve the sustainable development goals and also for significantly contributing to financing health and development.
This infographic, designed by IOGT...
Perspektif Pemuda tentang Pendekatan Orang Tua terhadap Penggunaan Narkoba
Mengurangi bahaya penggunaan narkoba remaja adalah prioritas global. Orang tua memiliki potensi untuk memainkan peran kunci dalam upaya ini. Namun, dirasakan bahwa orang tua sering tidak yakin tentang bagaimana mengatasi penggunaan narkoba...
Workplace Alcohol and Other Drug Factsheets
To assist workplaces to respond to alcohol and other drug-related harm in the workplace, The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, has produced a series of factsheets about commonly used drugs and their impact on safety...
Jejaring Sosial Sadar: Peran Kelompok Dukungan Online dalam Pemulihan dari Kecanduan Alkohol
DSM-5 pada Pasien yang Mencari Perawatan Pertama mereka untuk Gangguan Penggunaan Alkohol. Perbedaan Jenis Kelamin dalam Studi CohRTA Multicenter
Tujuan: Kami bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan jenis kelamin dalam kriteria DSM-5 di antara pasien yang dirawat di pengobatan pertama gangguan penggunaan alkohol (AUD). Metode: Penilaian AUD dilakukan dengan menggunakan...
Best Practices for Successful Reentry for People Who Have Opioid Addictions
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