Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Bagaimana Isyarat Kokain Ditanam di Otak
Individu yang menderita gangguan penggunaan zat mengembangkan hubungan yang kuat antara efek stimulasi obat dan isyarat lingkungan yang bertindak sebagai pengingat pengalaman, yang dapat menyebabkan kekambuhan.
Sebuah studi baru-baru ini...
Low Self-Esteem Connected to Greater Risk for Opioid Use
It has been suggested that individuals with low self-esteem are more likely to choose maladaptive coping behaviors, such as abuse of opioids, when faced with life stressors.
In a recent study conducted in New York, over 1000 adults, of...
The Use of Non-Prescribed Benzodiazepines and/or Amphetamines Predict Treatment Instability in Opioid Maintenance Treatment
INTRODUCTION: Opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) is a long-term intervention aiming at stability and reduced risk for patients. This project aims to estimate the 1-year drop-out rate of from OMT and to investigate factors associated with...
Tindakan Etanol di Area Tegmental Ventral: Target Potensial Baru pada Neuron Jalur Hadiah
Skrining dan Intervensi Departemen Darurat untuk Gangguan Penggunaan Zat
Departemen gawat darurat (ED) telah lama diakui sebagai penyedia akses penting ke sistem perawatan kesehatan bagi banyak orang, namun hanya dalam beberapa dekade terakhir kunjungan ED telah diakui sebagai kesempatan untuk...
SAMHSA’s 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is the most comprehensive survey of substance use, substance use disorders, mental health and the receipt of treatment services for these disorders in the United States. NSDUH began in 1971...
Hambatan untuk Pengobatan Kecanduan di antara Orang Dewasa yang Sebelumnya Dipenjara dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat
Perawatan kecanduan meningkatkan penggunaan zat dan hasil residivisme kriminal di antara individu yang terlibat keadilan dengan gangguan penggunaan zat, tetapi kurang dimanfaatkan. Meskipun ada informasi mengenai...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Reconciling the Interests of Community, Clients, and Families
Key studies on the roles of management in treatment’s impacts on crime and safeguarding the community, with a focus on criminal justice and child protection. Explore what research can offer managers who have to reconcile the interests of...
UEA Melatih Konselor Narkoba Spesialis untuk Mengobati Meningkatnya Jumlah Kasus Penyalahgunaan
Pusat Rehabilitasi Nasional UEA membuka pusat pelatihan yang akan menyebarluaskan program pelatihan, termasuk Kurikulum Perawatan Universal (UTC) untuk wilayah Timur Tengah.
Quick Reference Guide: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence
This clinician guide describes the development process, analysis and discussion of the available research while providing more complete information for health care decision-making.
Baru mengenal Penelitian Penggunaan Alkohol: Rekomendasi untuk Peneliti Karir Awal
Video Informasi tentang Program Beasiswa Humphrey
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Coercion Tests Therapeutic Skills
Key studies on the contribution of the practitioner to reducing crime and safeguarding the community. Commentary risks formulating a general rule: The trickier the situation, the more the worker matters. Implication is that therapeutic...
Catatan NIDA: Dampak Obat pada Neurotransmisi
Artikel ini membahas pentingnya mempelajari efek obat pada neurotransmisi dan menjelaskan beberapa metode eksperimental yang paling umum digunakan dalam penelitian ini.
Obat-obatan dapat mengubah cara orang berpikir, merasa, dan...
Webinar: Authentic Self-Care for Addiction Professionals
Many of us are drawn to addiction work due to our history, family, and personal traits, such as compassion and empathy. While these experiences and strengths can be great assets, they can also be detrimental without care and awareness. In...
Tanggapan Federal terhadap Krisis Opioid di AS
Tujuan Peninjauan: Mengingat krisis opioid saat ini yang melibatkan kematian overdosis, divisi operasi Departemen Kesehatan dan Layanan Kemanusiaan federal bekerja sama untuk menerapkan strategi berbasis penelitian berbasis data...
Effectiveness Bank Hot Topic. Naltrexone Treatment of Offenders: Ethics and Evidence
Opinion is sharply divided on the ethics and effectiveness of pressuring opioid-dependent offenders to take the opiate-blocker naltrexone. Especially sharp is the controversy over long-acting products not approved for medical use in the UK...
Beyond Cure: Pasien Melaporkan Hasil Pengobatan Hepatitis C di antara Orang yang Menyuntikkan Obat di Australia
Kemajuan terbaru dalam pengobatan infeksi virus hepatitis C (HCV) memberikan kemungkinan menghilangkan HCV sebagai ancaman kesehatan masyarakat. Fokus pada eliminasi HCV melalui pengobatan, bagaimanapun, juga mendorong...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Intervening to Safeguard the Community
Key studies on treatment’s contribution to safeguarding the community and preventing crime. Commentary addresses two highly controversial issues: whether it is ever safe to leave children with seriously problematic drug users, and the...
Ikhtisar Program Studi Kecanduan Berbasis Universitas di Amerika Serikat
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