Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Faktor perangsang koloni granulosit mengontrol plastisitas saraf dan perilaku sebagai respons terhadap kokain
Kecanduan kokain ditandai dengan disfungsi dalam sirkuit otak yang berhubungan dengan hadiah, yang menyebabkan motivasi maladaptif untuk mencari dan mengambil obat. Saat ini tidak ada farmakoterapi yang tersedia secara klinis untuk...
Sel Matriks Bank Efektivitas: Melibatkan Organisasi, Melibatkan Perawatan
Studi kunci tentang bagaimana fungsi organisasi perawatan mempengaruhi implementasi dan dampak perbaikan. Memperkenalkan dua sumber daya peningkatan kualitas AS berkualitas tinggi berbasis bukti, dan menanyakan apa yang membuat layanan...
Artikel Berbagi Pengetahuan yang Paling Banyak Dibaca tahun 2017
Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Adolescent Binge Drinking & Implications for Interventions
Alcohol use, particularly binge drinking (BD), is a major public health concern among adolescents. Recent national data show that the gender gap in alcohol use is lessening, and BD among girls is rising. Considering the increase in BD among...
Predictors of Treatment Response Following Parent Management Training: Child, Context, and Therapy Factors
Terje Gunnar Ogden, Kristine Amlund Hagen
Parent Management Training- the Oregon model (PMTO) was introduced as a treatment alternative to families in both child welfare services and child psychiatric out-patient clinics in Norway, in...
Pedoman Praktik Asosiasi Psikiatri Amerika untuk Perawatan Farmakologi Pasien dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Alkohol
Tujuan dari pedoman ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas perawatan dan hasil pengobatan untuk pasien dengan gangguan penggunaan alkohol (AUD), sebagaimana didefinisikan oleh DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Pedoman...
Universal School-Based Implementation of Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment to Reduce and Prevent Alcohol, Marijuana, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based approach to reducing substance use in adolescents. An emerging literature shows the promise of school-based SBIRT. However, most school-based...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Managing Transformation
Key studies on the role of management and supervision in the treatment of problem drug use. Commentary asks, “Is there anything more instructive than *being* the patient?”, explores the role of patient choice and preferences in treatment...
Substance Use, Sleep and Intervention Design
Background: Alcohol and other drug use is associated with poor sleep quality and quantity, but there is limited qualitative research exploring substance users’ experiences of sleep and few psychosocial sleep interventions for...
Ibero-American Initiative for Dual Disorders to Improve Public Treatment Programmes
Introduction: Dual disorders (DD) are defined as the co-occurrence of substance use disorders with other psychiatric disorders across the lifespan. DD represent a diagnostic dimension with clinical peculiarities and specific...
Penyedia Kesehatan Mental yang Terbebani Menggagalkan Dorongan Polisi untuk Perawatan Narkoba
Artikel ini menyoroti sistem kesehatan yang terbebani di Virginia Barat, termasuk kekurangan profesional perawatan perilaku.
Sex Differences in Cannabis Use Disorder Diagnosis Involved Hospitalizations in the United States
Objectives: The study examined sex differences in trend and clinical characteristics of cannabis use disorder (CUD) diagnosis involved hospitalizations among adult patients.
Methods: We analyzed hospitalization data from the...
Appropriate Use of Drug Testing in Clinical Addiction Medicine
The purpose of the Appropriate Use of Drug Testing in Clinical Addiction Medicine is to provide guidance about the effective use of drug testing in the identification, diagnosis, treatment, and promotion of recovery for patients...
Quality Measurers of Therapeutic Communities for Substance Dependence
In Latin America, substance related disorders are highly prevalent and one of the treatment strategies is the Therapeutic Communities (TCs), however, in Latin America there is scarce data about this treatment...
Drug-Treatment Systems in Prisons in Eastern and South-East Europe
This research project on drug-treatment systems in prisons in Eastern and South-East Europe looks in detail into the situation of drug users among criminal justice populations and the corresponding health-care responses in nine countries in...
Mengidentifikasi dan Mengobati Pasien yang Menggunakan Tembakau
'Million Hearts' adalah inisiatif yang diluncurkan oleh Departemen Kesehatan dan Layanan Kemanusiaan AS yang bertujuan untuk mencegah 1 juta serangan jantung dan stroke dengan mempromosikan intervensi berbasis bukti melalui komunitas...
Keeping Youth Drug Free
Keeping Youth Drug Free is a new publication from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Aimed at parents, the guide offers advice for keeping children substance-free. It includes a review of the latest...
Changes in Specific Substance Involvement Scores among SBIRT Recipients in an HIV Primary Care Setting
Substance use is common among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and is associated with worse outcomes along the HIV care continuum. One potentially effective clinic-based approach to addressing unhealthy substance use...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: The Face of Drug Addiction Treatment
At the front line the practitioner is to the patient the face of addiction treatment. Key research shows they can matter enormously - not so much in their formal qualifications, but in their manner with the patients. Other times it seems a...
Delivery of Screening and Brief Intervention for Unhealthy Alcohol Use in an Urban Academic Federally Qualified Health Center
Screening and brief intervention (SBI) for unhealthy drinking has not been widely implemented in primary care partly due to reliance on physicians to perform it.
We implemented a model of nursing...
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