Supply control
Reducing the availability of illegal substances through law enforcement and regulation.
Online sales and deliveries of alcohol
Executive Summary
In recent times, UK consumers have been buying alcohol online in record numbers, from an ever-growing variety of retailers, increasingly promising delivery to the doorstep within minutes.
However, as the market...
Survei Opium Afghanistan
Survei Opium Afghanistan 2021 dilaksanakan di bawah proyek "Pemantauan Produksi Opium di Afghanistan", dengan kontribusi keuangan dari Pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Informasi dan data yang terkandung dalam laporan ini, kecuali dinyatakan lain...
Drug situation in Afghanistan
This report, published by UNODC, highlights the latest findings and emerging trends relating to the drug situation in Afghanistan.
Cocaine Insights 2
In the context of an ongoing expansion of the global cocaine market, this report summarizes the current state of knowledge on what cocaine consumer products are and how they are produced and consumed in different world regions. The report...
Wawasan Kokain 1
Pasar kokain menghadirkan ancaman yang jelas di tingkat global. Lokasi produksi yang terdefinisi dengan baik di Amerika Selatan dan pasar konsumen yang besar di Amerika dan Eropa menyebabkan rute perdagangan dari asal terbatas ke tujuan...
The West African epidemiology network on drug use
The West African Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (WENDU) Report (2018 -2019) is the second regional report on illicit drug trafficking and the extent of drug use in West Africa.
The report provides data on drug use patterns and emerging...
Pembaruan Pedoman Minum Alkohol Berisiko Rendah Kanada: Ringkasan Temuan dari Konsultasi Publik
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) telah merilis Memperbarui Pedoman Minum Alkohol Berisiko Rendah Kanada: Ringkasan Temuan dari Konsultasi Publik. Laporan ini menandai fase penting dalam proses memperbarui Pedoman Minum...
Wawasan Kokain
Pasar kokain menghadirkan ancaman yang jelas di tingkat global. Lokasi produksi yang terdefinisi dengan baik di Amerika Selatan dan pasar konsumen yang besar di Amerika dan Eropa menyebabkan rute perdagangan dari asal terbatas ke tujuan...
Perspektif petani ganja ilegal dan pedagang tentang legalisasi komersial ganja di Afrika Selatan: pertimbangan untuk perumusan kebijakan
Selama era terakhir, telah ada seruan untuk melegalkan budidaya dan perdagangan ganja untuk tujuan komersial di Afrika Selatan. Para pendukung panggilan berpendapat bahwa kriminalisasi budidaya dan perdagangan ganja komersial telah gagal...
World Situation with Regard to Drug Trafficking
This report provides an overview of the latest trends in the illicit production of and trafficking in drugs worldwide.
The statistics and analysis in the report are based on the latest information available to the United Nations Office...
Measuring Organized Crime in the Western Balkans
Executive Summary
The findings of this report are based on a statistical and analytical framework to measure and assess organized crime in the Western Balkans.
Six countries and territories are included: Albania, Bosnia and...
Dampak COVID-19 terhadap Pasokan Obat Ilegal
Webinar ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana peraturan yang diberlakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19 secara tidak sengaja berkontribusi pada pasokan obat-obatan terlarang yang semakin beracun dan bagaimana pergeseran ini telah...
Komposisi pasokan obat dunia yang berubah dengan cepat dan dampaknya terhadap risiko tinggi COVID-19
Komposisi pasokan obat dunia yang berubah dengan cepat dan dampaknya terhadap risiko tinggi COVID-19
UN Issues Warning after Myanmar Raids Net Record Breaking Fentanyl Seizures
The discovery of a large seizure of fentanyl in Myanmar indicates that the country may be a new transit route for the powerful synthetic opioid, fentanyl.
Moroccan Smugglers Embark on Long New Route to Ship Drugs to Europe
Given the COVID-19 pandemic, many trafficking routes have been closed to Moroccan drug traffickers. This has led them to find new complex routes to traffic cannabis into Europe.
Contemporary Asian Drug Policy: Insights and Opportunities for Change
Five-Year Global Plan of Action to Combat Emerging Synthetic Drug Threats
To deter and disrupt production and trafficking of illicit synthetic drugs into the United States, the Department of State has developed a new strategy that will attack this new business model of illicit international drug supply chains at...
UNODC Global eLearning
UNODCs online eLearning courses deliver trainings to a community of over 50,000 Member State officials on international security threats such as transnational organized crime, terrorism, illicit drugs, trafficking in persons and...
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