Afghanistan Opium Survey

The Afghanistan Opium Survey 2021 was implemented under the project “Monitoring of Opium Production in Afghanistan”, with financial contributions from the Government of the United States of America. Information and data contained in this report, unless otherwise stated, are based on data collected by UNODC through surveys and other tools in Afghanistan and through global data collections on drugs.10 Data on opium cultivation and production are based on the Afghanistan Opium Surveys 1994-2020 published by UNODC and the Government of Afghanistan, as well as the latest findings of the Afghanistan Opium Survey, conducted in 2021.
The results provide a detailed assessment of the outcome of the current year’s opium season and together with data from previous years, enable the identification of medium- and long-term trends in the evolution of the illicit drug problem. This information is essential for planning, implementing and monitoring the impact of measures required for tackling a problem that has far-reaching implications for Afghanistan and the international community.