Ikhtisar Perawatan Pemuda Forensik Eropa: Menuju Misi Integratif untuk Strategi Pencegahan dan Intervensi untuk Pelanggar Remaja
Di seluruh Eropa kenakalan pemuda menurun; pemahaman kita tentang faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kenakalan remaja dan karakteristik perawatan pemuda forensik yang efektif telah meningkat secara substansial. Namun, strategi...
Pesquisa revela poder de compra de bebidas alcoólicas por adolescentes no município de Santos, São Paulo, Brasil.
This research was supervised by the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP, through the Alcohol and Drug Research Unit - UNIAD with the support of the Paulista Association for the Development of Medicine (SPDM) in partnership with the...
Research on the Perception of Brazilian Parliamentarians on Drug Policy
Seeking to qualify the public debate on drug policy and guide the actions of its members, the Brazilian Drug Policy Platform conducted a survey with the Federal Legislative Branch to map the opinions and perceptions of the congressmen on...
Pesquisa sobre percepção dos parlamentares brasileiros sobre política de drogas
Buscando qualificar o debate público sobre política de drogas e orientar as ações de seus membros, a Plataforma Brasileira de Política de Drogas (PBPD) realizou uma pesquisa com o Poder Legislativo federal para mapear as opiniões e as...
Effectiveness Bank Drug Treatment Matrix Row 5: Reducing Crime, Protecting Families
Time to consolidate the lessons of the last five instalments of our course on drug treatment research. Row 5 explored key studies on treatment in relation to safeguarding the family and the community from crime. A common theme was the...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Coercion Tests Therapeutic Skills
Key studies on the contribution of the practitioner to reducing crime and safeguarding the community. Commentary risks formulating a general rule: The trickier the situation, the more the worker matters. Implication is that therapeutic...
Persepsi pentingnya pencegahan penggunaan zat dalam keadilan remaja: analisis multi-level
Pemuda di bawah pengawasan keadilan remaja (JJ) berisiko tinggi terhadap hasil yang merugikan dari penggunaan zat, sehingga pencegahan menjadi penting. Beberapa penelitian telah meneliti sikap terkait pencegahan karyawan...
Laporan Obat Eropa 2018
Pusat Pemantauan Eropa tentang Narkoba dan Kecanduan Narkoba (EMCDDA) telah merilis laporan Obat-obatan Eropa terbaru mereka.
Mencakup 30 negara Eropa, laporan ini mengeksplorasi tren obat, perkembangan dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan...
Guidance on the Implementation of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol
With legislation brought in on 1 May 2018 the Scottish Government has produced a resource offering Guidance on the Implementation of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol for sellers of alcohol and alcohol enforcement authorities in Scotland.
Alat Penilaian Risiko dalam Peradilan Pidana dan Psikiatri Forensik: Kebutuhan akan Data yang Lebih Baik
Alat penilaian risiko kekerasan semakin banyak digunakan dalam peradilan pidana dan psikiatri forensik, namun ada sedikit data yang relevan, dapat diandalkan dan tidak bias mengenai akurasi prediktifnya. Kami berpendapat bahwa...
Development and Implementation of the Health Education and Promotion Module for Incarcerated Mothers
To discuss the knowledge gained and future implications for incarcerated parents and community members through the development and implementation of a standardized health education and promotion module for incarcerated mothers...
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Youth Justice
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) among young people in youth detention in Australia. Neurodevelopmental impairments due to FASD can predispose young people to engagement with the...
Barriers to Retention in Methadone Maintenance Therapy among People who Inject Drugs in Bangkok
Methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) is a mainstay for treating opioid use disorder and preventing and managing HIV among people who inject drugs (PWID). While previous research suggested low dosing of methadone and...
Masalah Serius: Gas Tertawa Mendorong Peninjauan Undang-Undang Zat Psikoaktif Inggris
Diperkenalkan pada tahun 2016, The Psychoactive Substances Act dirancang untuk menangani masuknya obat-obatan baru yang sering diberi label 'tertinggi hukum'.
Undang-undang melarang zat apa pun yang "dengan merangsang atau menekan sistem...
The Licensing Act (2003): Its Uses and Abuses 10 Years on
Seen as excluding health concerns and requiring an individualistic and ‘premises by premises’ approach, interviews with stakeholders and a revisiting of the 2003 Licensing Act for England and Wales suggest it could nevertheless be used to...
UK Health Professionals Call for Minimum Unit Pricing of Alcohol in England
Senior health professionals are calling for Westminster to introduce minimum unit pricing of alcohol and clampdown on drinks advertising in England.
They claim that within the next five years up to 63,000 people across the country will...
Study Finds Increased Cannabis Use among Certain US States
Over the last few decades, the United States has entered a new phase in its cannabis control policies.
As of November 2016, 28 US states and Washington, D.C. had legalised cannabis use for medicinal purposes.
Eight of these and...
US Adult Illicit Cannabis Use, Cannabis Use Disorder, and Medical Marijuana Laws 1991-1992 to 2012-2013
IMPORTANCE: Over the last 25 years, illicit cannabis use and cannabis use disorders have increased among US adults, and 28 states have passed medical marijuana laws (MML). Little is known about MML and adult illicit cannabis use or cannabis...
Analisis Bank Efektivitas: Penilaian Wajib untuk Tahanan Tidak Mengurangi Kejahatan
Bukti lebih lanjut dari Inggris bahwa skema 'Pilihan Sulit' yang memaksa orang yang ditangkap karena pelanggaran tertentu untuk diuji penggunaan heroin atau kokain dan jika positif dinilai untuk perawatan tidak membayar kembali dalam hal...
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