Barriers in Substance Use Disorder Treatment
The US is experiencing a public health crisis. In the US in 2016 alone, there were over 63,000 drug poisoning deaths. Despite these concerning figures, it is estimated that fewer than 20% (3.8 million) receive treatment and for those who do...
Pekan Fakta Obat dan Alkohol Nasional
Pekan Fakta Obat dan Alkohol Nasional menghubungkan siswa dengan ilmuwan dan pakar lainnya untuk menangkal mitos tentang narkoba dan alkohol yang didapat remaja dari internet, media sosial, TV, film, musik, atau dari teman.
Klik di sini...
Website: End of Life Care for People with Problematic Substance Use
This website offers resources developed from a two-year research programme on end of life care for people with alcohol and other drug problems. The research programme was the first of its kind to explore current practice and service...
Pricing of Tobacco Products During, and After, the Introduction of Plain Packaging
In 2016 the UK government introduced a policy that required factory-made cigarettes and roll your own tobacco to be sold in plain packaging with pictorial and text warnings.
However, there was reluctance from tobacco companies to “make...
Interactive Map: Medical Cannabis in the European Union
The vast majority of the countries in the European Union prohibit the production, sale, possession, and use of pharmaceutical-grade herbal cannabis. However, most EU countries allow cannabis-based medicine, such as Sativex, to be prescribed...
UNODC Global eLearning
UNODCs online eLearning courses deliver trainings to a community of over 50,000 Member State officials on international security threats such as transnational organized crime, terrorism, illicit drugs, trafficking in persons and...
Sesi Pelatihan ICUDDR pada Konferensi ISSUP di Kenya
Konsorsium Internasional Universitas untuk Pengurangan Permintaan Obat (ICUDDR) menjalankan beberapa sesi selama NACADA, ISSUP dan Konferensi & Lokakarya Pengurangan Permintaan Obat bersama Uni Afrika dan telah menghasilkan pilihan video p...
Cognitive and Mindfulness‐Based Therapy for Adolescents with Co‐Occurring Post‐Traumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorder
Early life experiences of trauma are known to significantly increase the risk of substance use in adolescence and adulthood. It has been suggested that individuals may use alcohol or drugs as a means of temporarily relieving themselves from...
Nominasi Penghargaan SPR 2019
Society for Prevention Research sekarang menerima nominasi untuk Penghargaan 2019 mereka . Batas waktu nominasi adalah Kamis, 28 Februari 2019.
11 penghargaan yang berbeda dirancang untuk mengakui keunggulan di bidang yang konsisten...
Addiction Journal Podcast - January 2019
The Addiction Journal Podcast takes the listener through the content of the January edition of the journal, selects and discusses some of the highlights and includes interviews, which have been conducted with some of the authors.
Memantau Masa Depan: Perekaman Telekonferensi
Dr Nora Volkow, Direktur NIDA, membahas hasil survei Monitoring the Future 2018 saat teleconference yang berlangsung pada 17 Desember 2018.
Monitoring the Future melacak tren penggunaan narkoba siswa kelas 8, 10, dan 12, termasuk sikap...
Faktor Risiko Sindrom Pantang Neonatal
Studi terbaru yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari Vanderbilt University dan Johns Hopkins University telah memeriksa karakteristik yang terkait dengan risiko tinggi NAS.
Para peneliti menemukan bahwa anak laki-laki lebih mungkin untuk...
Survei Adfam: Keadaan Sektor Dukungan Keluarga
Praktik Terbaik di Seluruh Kontinum Perawatan untuk Pengobatan Gangguan Penggunaan Opioid
Sangat penting bahwa perawatan untuk individu yang hidup dengan Opioid Use Disorder berkualitas tinggi dan diinformasikan bukti.
Pusat Penggunaan Zat dan Kecanduan Kanada telah meluncurkan laporan baru, Praktik Terbaik di seluruh...
m-Health Applications for Responding to Drug Use and Associated Harms
Digital healthcare, also known as e-health, refers to tools and services that use information and communication technology to improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and management of health.
Mobile health, or m-health...
Keynote Presentations: 9th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting
The Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting took place October 24th – 26th 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
The focus of the event was Prevention Technologies – Improving the Use of Evidence in Prevention Practice.
Academics, researchers...
Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction have released their first report on the medical use of cannabis.
The report is part of a new series called Cannabis, Controversies and Challenges, and is designed to explore the...
Model Kecanduan
Ilmu kecanduan itu rumit, dan terus menjadi bidang di mana perdebatan tentang definisi, model, teori, dan cara yang paling tepat untuk merespons terus berlanjut.
Tinjauan Wawasan EMCDDA memberikan analisis kritis tentang berbagai model...
Mengapa Mereka Dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat Jangka Panjang Berhenti Menyalahgunakan Zat?
Banyak orang berhasil pulih dari gangguan penggunaan zat. Memahami faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap orang yang memutuskan untuk berhenti menggunakan zat dapat membantu memandu pengobatan dan merancang intervensi.
Sebuah studi...
Relapse: Peran Pengaturan Diri dan Perasaan Pemutusan
- Studi ini meneliti pandangan pasien dengan gangguan penggunaan alkohol pada kambuh.
- Kekambuhan dikaitkan dengan penggunaan alkohol sebagai alat pengaturan diri dikombinasikan dengan rasa terputus dari orang lain.
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