Webinar: Pragmatisme Welas Asih Pendekatan Integratif untuk Mengobati Penggunaan Zat Bermasalah
Andrew Tatarsky, Ph.D., Pendiri dan Direktur The Center for Optimal Living akan membawa kita melalui pendekatan pengurangan bahaya yang memiliki belas kasih di pusatnya. Webinar ini melihat pengurangan bahaya di berbagai perilaku risiko...
Inside Health Podcast- E-cigarettes, Prehabilitation before surgery, Hospital safety
This Inside Health podcast discusses why vaping is dividing public health experts causing a polarised split; prehabilitation before cancer surgery and the benefits of preparing for an operation; plus can hospital safety be compared to...
A Cross-Journal Call for Papers- Substance Use, Misuse and Dependence: Prevention and Treatment
Substance use and misuse affect people worldwide, of all ages and from all walks of life, resulting in a substantial burden of ill health and mortality, and presenting big challenges in prevention and treatment.
PLOS Medicine is...
Efek Oksitosin pada Penarikan, Keinginan dan Respon Stres pada Pasien yang Tergantung Heroin
Menurut World Drug Report opioid adalah jenis obat yang paling berbahaya, terhitung 70% dari dampak kesehatan yang merugikan terkait dengan gangguan penggunaan narkoba di seluruh dunia. Pengobatan biasanya berfokus pada pengendalian...
United Nations Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs
Pedoman Internasional tentang Hak Asasi Manusia dan Kebijakan Narkoba
The Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) & YOCFAN Drug Demand Reduction Activities in Educational Institutions
Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) & YOCFAN have published their latest progress report outlining the work that has been carried out as part of their prevention programme in Lahore Punjab.
As well as providing the key figures and progress...
Hazardous Alcohol Use among Patients with Schizophrenia and Depression
Harmful alcohol use is known to increase the risk of alcohol dependence as well as physical conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cirrhosis.
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a common co-occurring disorder in people...
Menilai Paparan Alkohol Prenatal dalam Studi Gangguan Spektrum Alkohol Janin
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) adalah istilah diagnostik yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan gangguan fisik, perkembangan saraf, dan kognitif yang terjadi setelah terpapar alkohol selama kehamilan. Diagnosis FASD membutuhkan...
Pusat Integrasi Perpustakaan Virtual dalam Kecanduan
Perpustakaan Virtual dalam Kecanduan, yang dikembangkan oleh Centros de Integración Juvenil, memungkinkan akses ke sumber daya dan layanan informasi yang berspesialisasi dalam Kecanduan dan topik terkait, melayani pengguna dari berbagai...
Daftar periksa yang direvisi untuk menulis laporan penelitian
Kampanye #DontPinkMyDrink
Setelah bertahun-tahun mengobjektifikasi dan seksualisasi perempuan dalam iklan mereka, industri alkohol sekarang menargetkan perempuan lebih langsung, menghubungkan produk mereka dengan persahabatan perempuan, feminisme dan pemberdayaan...
Substance Use among Youth with Chronic Medical Conditions
Adolescence is generally associated with health, development and growth. However, a great number of adolescents are affected by chronic illness - defined as a disability interfering with normal life and/or demanding treatment. Substance use...
Volatile Substance Abuse
Volatile Substance Abuse (VSA) is the practice of inhaling volatile substances, which are often common household products, like glues, gases and aerosols in order to get high.
Glues, gases and aerosols contain volatile substances which...
Treatment of Cannabis-related Problems in the Nordic Countries
After alcohol, cannabis is the second most common intoxicant in the Nordics.
In Denmark cannabis is by far the principle issue among newcomers to drug treatment, in Iceland, more than one-third of all addiction patients have cannabis as...
Efficacy of Monthly Buprenorphine Injections for Opioid Use Disorders
Opioid use disorder is a chronic, relapsing disease and a global health burden. Treatment for OUD tends to involve a combination of medication and behavioural intervention. It is recognised that buprenorphine can alleviate opioid withdrawal...
UNIATF: Panggilan untuk Nominasi untuk Penghargaan Gugus Tugas 2019
Inspire Freedom Campaign - IOGT International
The Inspire Freedom Campaign – Together for women and girls – every 25th is IOGT International’s flagship community campaign to promote the rights of girls and women and to end gender-based violence, by preventing alcohol violence.
Registri Pencegahan Xchange
Xchange adalah pendaftaran online program pencegahan berbasis bukti. Pada fase pertamanya, registri akan menyediakan intervensi manual yang ditunjukkan oleh studi evaluasi Eropa memiliki hasil yang menguntungkan terkait dengan penggunaan...
Program Institut Musim Panas Media UPC Claremont
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