Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Keynote Presentations: 9th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting
The Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting took place October 24th – 26th 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
The focus of the event was Prevention Technologies – Improving the Use of Evidence in Prevention Practice.
Academics, researchers...
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy
The Scottish Government has released the new Alcohol and Drugs Strategy, which aims to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths. There were a record 934 drugs-related deaths in Scotland in 2017...
Video Pembicara dan Presentasi Powerpoint - KTT Rokok Elektrik 2018
KTT Rokok Elektrik 2018 berlangsung pada 15 November di London.
Tujuan dari acara ini adalah untuk mempertemukan para ilmuwan, pembuat kebijakan, profesional medis dan kesehatan masyarakat dari seluruh dunia untuk memeriksa bukti dan...
Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction have released their first report on the medical use of cannabis.
The report is part of a new series called Cannabis, Controversies and Challenges, and is designed to explore the...
Model Kecanduan
Ilmu kecanduan itu rumit, dan terus menjadi bidang di mana perdebatan tentang definisi, model, teori, dan cara yang paling tepat untuk merespons terus berlanjut.
Tinjauan Wawasan EMCDDA memberikan analisis kritis tentang berbagai model...
Effects of Early Childhood Education Attendance on Achievement, Social Skills, Behaviour, and Stress
The impact of school attendance on the lives and development of students is hardly overestimated. Children go to school at an increasingly precocious age. With the universalization of access to Early Childhood Education (ECE), starting at...
Lembar Fakta: Alkohol dan Kanker
Minum alkohol adalah faktor risiko yang berkontribusi pada tujuh jenis kanker.
Semakin banyak alkohol yang Anda minum, semakin besar risiko terkena kanker.
Lembar fakta ini, yang dikembangkan oleh Alcohol Change UK, menjelaskan...
Fact Sheet: Alcohol and the Brain
Alcohol Change UK have released a fact sheet highlighting the various ways alcohol can affect the health of your brain as well as changes you can make in order to take care of this vital organ.
Strategi Mengatasi dan Dukungan untuk Keluarga di Goa, India
Kecanduan alkohol dapat memberikan tekanan yang signifikan pada hubungan keluarga dan kesejahteraan. Telah terjadi peningkatan substansial dalam konsumsi alkohol dan gangguan penggunaan alkohol di India. Namun, jarang sekali perspektif...
The Relationships Between Stimulant Use and Gambling Among Adolescents
Adolescence is a period of time where young people are more likely to seek independence and novel experiences, experiment with their expression and identity and have less regard for risk. Given the natural surge in sensation-seeking...
Alcohol Occasionals: Seminars 2013–2018
Almost a fifth more alcohol is sold per adult in Scotland than in England and Wales. It is believed 1 in 4 people drink at hazardous or harmful levels and in 2016 alone there were over 1,200 alcohol-related deaths in Scotland.
Monitoring Drug Use in Recreational Settings across Europe
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) have released their latest technical report “Monitoring Drug Use in Recreational Settings across Europe: Conceptual Challenges and Methodological Innovations”.
Informe Sobre el Consumo de Drogas en las Américas 2019 Resumen Ejecutivo
El consumo de drogas sigue representando un problema importante en las Américas, y uno que desa a a los formuladores de polí cas en los niveles más altos. La Comisión Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (CICAD), de la...
Encontre programas baseados em evidência, no BLUEPRINTS
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(Dalam Bahasa Inggris)
...Report on Drug Use in the Americas 2019, Executive Summary
Drug use continues to represent a significant problem in the Americas, and one that challenges policy makers at the highest levels. The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (known by its Spanish language acronym, CICAD), of the...
Economic and Social Costs of Legalized Marijuana
The Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University commissioned this study to better understand the economic and social costs of legalized marijuana. While much has been written about the tax revenue and total sales generated from...
Menggali Stigma Publik tentang Gangguan Penggunaan Zat
Gangguan penggunaan obat terlarang adalah salah satu kondisi kesehatan yang paling distigmatisasi di dunia. Stigmatisasi adalah tanda rasa malu, aib atau ketidaksetujuan. Ini dapat mempengaruhi harga diri dan kepercayaan diri orang...
Penggunaan Benzodiazepine Tinggi sementara Tingkat Gangguan Penggunaan Rendah
Benzodiazepin, seperti obat penenang dan alat bantu tidur, adalah kelompok obat yang diresepkan secara luas yang dirancang untuk pengobatan jangka pendek. Meskipun kebanyakan orang mengelola benzodiazepin seperti yang ditentukan, beberapa...
Information and Advice for the Families of People Living with Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a highly infectious blood-borne virus that affects the cells of the liver causing inflammation. Although many people with the virus may have no symptoms at all people can experience jaundice, depression, fatigue, skin...
Evaluasi rawat inap terkait amfetamin dan hasil klinis terkait dan biaya di Amerika Serikat
Poin-poin penting
Pertanyaan: Apa tren saat ini dalam frekuensi dan biaya rawat inap terkait amfetamin di Amerika Serikat?
Temuan: Dalam studi cross-sectional ini sekitar 1,3 juta rawat inap AS terkait amfetamin antara tahun 2003 dan...
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