Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Volatile Substance Abuse
Volatile Substance Abuse (VSA) is the practice of inhaling volatile substances, which are often common household products, like glues, gases and aerosols in order to get high.
Glues, gases and aerosols contain volatile substances which...
Treatment of Cannabis-related Problems in the Nordic Countries
After alcohol, cannabis is the second most common intoxicant in the Nordics.
In Denmark cannabis is by far the principle issue among newcomers to drug treatment, in Iceland, more than one-third of all addiction patients have cannabis as...
Prevalence and Pattern of Psychoactive Substance Use among Female Students in North India
The frequent collection, analysis and publication of data on psychoactive substance use among young people is essential to follow trends which can be used to inform practice and public health policy.
In India, psychoactive substance use...
Efficacy of Monthly Buprenorphine Injections for Opioid Use Disorders
Opioid use disorder is a chronic, relapsing disease and a global health burden. Treatment for OUD tends to involve a combination of medication and behavioural intervention. It is recognised that buprenorphine can alleviate opioid withdrawal...
Jurnal Adiktologie
UNIATF: Panggilan untuk Nominasi untuk Penghargaan Gugus Tugas 2019
Inspire Freedom Campaign - IOGT International
The Inspire Freedom Campaign – Together for women and girls – every 25th is IOGT International’s flagship community campaign to promote the rights of girls and women and to end gender-based violence, by preventing alcohol violence.
A Promising Alternative to Opioid Pain Medications
There is a growing problem of misuse of prescription opioids, opioid addiction, and overdose. This highlights the crucial need for finding an addiction-free alternative medication that can be used to treat severe pain.
Researchers are...
Survei Universitas: Apa pendapat Anda tentang penggunaan narkoba?
Liverpool John Moores University sedang melakukan studi penelitian baru dan mengundang orang-orang dari Inggris untuk mengambil bagian.
Studi ini menyelidiki apa yang dipikirkan anggota masyarakat tentang isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan...
Besarnya Penggunaan Zat di India
National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program
Wastewater analysis is widely applied internationally as a tool to measure and interpret drug
use within national populations, with the current national program in Australia representing world best practice.
Addiction Journal Podcast: March 2019
The latest Addiction Journal Podcast gives listeners a snapshot overview of the research that has been published in the March edition of the Addiction Journal.
Paparan IQOS Mengganggu Homeostasis Sel Saluran Napas Manusia: Perbandingan Langsung dengan Rokok Tradisional dan Rokok Elektrik
Perangkat heat-not-burn (HNB) dapat mengubah fungsi fisiologis vital di paru-paru. Perangkat HNB mungkin bukan pilihan yang lebih aman daripada merokok atau vaping eCig; Ini tidak mendukung rekomendasi penggunaannya atas produk pengiriman...
Asosiasi Evaluasi Asia Pasifik - APEA-2019 Manila, Filipina
Lokakarya "Menuju Tinjauan Nasional Sukarela Berbasis Bukti: Memperkuat Kapasitas Evaluasi Nasional di Asia" akan diselenggarakan oleh UNICEF pada 25 Februari 2019 di Hotel Marco Polo di Manila.
Sesi Anggota Parlemen di Senat Filipina untuk...
Panggilan untuk Aplikasi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ghana Beasiswa Pascasarjana Aliansi HRP WHO 2019/2020
Panggilan untuk Aplikasi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ghana Beasiswa Pascasarjana Aliansi HRP WHO 2019/2020
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ghana (UGSPH) bekerja sama dengan Aliansi Program Reproduksi Manusia (HRP)...
Surviving Stigma Podcast
In this podcast, Diane Goslar, a person who struggled with alcohol-related issues, talks to Peter Markham Head of Digital, about the stigma she faced among family, friends and work colleagues as she battled alcohol addiction.
Information for Teachers
In classrooms across the UK 1 in 5 children are carrying the burden of someone else’s drinking.
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics have developed a new resource to help teachers identify children affected by their parent...
Smoking During Pregnancy , Stigma and Secrets
There is significant evidence to suggest that smoking while pregnant is harmful to the baby increases the risk of miscarriage, and premature birth. The Statistics on smoking, England: 2018 compendium report shows that in 2017-18, 10.8% of...
Neighbourhood Density of Alcohol Outlets and Genetic and Environmental Influences on Alcohol Problems
Gene-environment interactions occur when different surroundings make it more or less likely for a particular trait or disorder to develop.
The concept of ‘alcogenic’ environments describes features, such as alcohol outlet density or...
National Cannabis Survey, fourth quarter 2019
Statistics Canada has been conducting the National Cannabis Survey every three months since February 2018.
The main objective of the NCS is to monitor changes in cannabis-related behaviours during the period preceding and following...
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