
ISSUP staff engaged at the 3rd Informal Technical Consultation for the "Friends in Focus" program, hosted by UNODC in Vienna from June 11th to 13th. Our team, including Deputy Chief Executive, Livia Edegger, and Scientific Support Coordinator, Rasha Abi Hana, collaborated with global experts and youth to shape this innovative peer-to-peer prevention initiative.
On 4 June 2024, ISSUP UK concluded its first Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention (INEP) Plus course, a collaborative effort between the University of West London, ISSUP UK, ISSUP Global, and Charles University (CUNI) in Prague, who developed the course material. 
Con piacere comunichiamo l'apertura delle iscrizioni alla Additus-Summer School 2024, Verona 28-29-30/sett. 1/ott.
ISSUP UK cordially invites you to an upcoming webinar on Strategies for Overcoming Stigma.
Taking place from Wednesday, 5 June, join Troy E. Clarke I, ICAP Tx I, an internationally certified
With just over 3 weeks to go, we are directing all our focus on the Art of Healing event in Thessaloniki, Greece! Gain key information on location, programmes, conference speakers, local events and much more.
ISSUP Nigeria è lieta di invitarvi alla 22a sessione del suo webinar bimestrale della serie Knowledge Update. Questo webinar si concentrerà sul tema "La comunità terapeutica come modello nella gestione dei disturbi da uso di sostanze".
ISSUP Grecia ha l'onore di invitarvi a due eventi esclusivi che si svolgeranno durante la conferenza! Mercoledì 26 giugno si terrà un ricevimento di benvenuto presso lo spazio all'aperto del municipio di Salonicco accompagnato da buon vino, un'orchestra musicale e danze folcloristiche.
ISSUP Colombia ti invita al suo webinar su Sigarette elettroniche e vaporizzatori: un punto di vista dalla prevenzione
ISSUP Bahamas would like you invite you to their general membership meeting which will take place on Tuesday, 11 June at 7.00 pm.  The meeting agenda will include updates on upcoming training sessions and activities, review of past and future events (including the ISSUP Greece conference) and information on the Chapter's forthcoming elections in September.