Il 1° Incontro Sub-Regionale per il Messico e l'America Centrale si è svolto a San Salvador, El Salvador, dal 4 al 6 settembre 2024. L'evento comprendeva diverse componenti importanti, come due sessioni di formazione e una conferenza sui disturbi da uso di sostanze.
From September 11th to 13th, 2024, the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) participated in the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) Conference held in Cremona, Italy. This year marked the 15th Anniversary of the EUSPR, with the theme “Prevention in and with Communities,” emphasising the critical role that community engagement plays in developing effective prevention strategies.
ISSUP Chile le invita a su seminario web titulado 'Estrategias de prevención laboral y el marco legal, basado en una experiencia chilena'
On Sunday 15th September 2024, members of the ISSUP Board, staff and other guests visited the Assoziazione Casa Rosetta therapeutic community “L’Oasi” in Caltagirone, Sicily.
The Comité Interministériel de Lutte Anti-Drogue (CILAD)[Interministerial Drug Control Coordinating Committee) and two trainers from its pool of national UPC trainers : Dr Badou Roger (GCCC Commissioner)- Dr KOUAKOU Issouf (ICAP Prevention UPC) conducted the first face-to-face training on the School Track : Prevention of Drug use in School settings from 29 July to 3 August 2024 (6 days).
ISSUP Cote d'Ivoire in collaboration with ICUDDR conducted the second session of the UPC Curriculum training from 23rd to 31st August 2024. The training was held in the town of Daloa within the central west region of Côte d'Ivoire.
The 24 participants can be see in the photo below wearing polo shirts with the logo of ISSUP in Côte d'Ivoire national branded colours. Whereas the teachers and researchers from the university are wearing polo-shirts with ICUDDR logos.
Il direttore dell'ISSUP Kenya, la dott.ssa Pamela Kaithuru, incontra il rappresentante parlamentare keniota, l'onorevole Antoney Kibagendi, per esplorare la collaborazione tra l'organizzazione della società civile e il governo.
L'onorevole Kibagendi è il membro del Parlamento per la circoscrizione di Kitutu Chache e il presidente del Caucus dei parlamentari contro la droga e l'abuso di sostanze.
L'incontro si è tenuto lunedì 19 agosto 2024.
The Comité Interministériel de Lutte Anti-Drogue (CILAD)[Interministerial Drug Control Coordinating Committee) and two trainers from its pool of national UPC trainers : Dr Badou Roger (GCCC Commissioner)- Dr KOUAKOU Issouf (ICAP Prevention UPC) conducted the first face-to-face training on the School Track : Prevention of Drug use in School settings from 29 July to 3 August 2024 (6 days).
ISSUP Argentina vi invita cordialmente al suo webinar sull'impatto della disinformazione sulle droghe e sulla disinformazione su bambini e adolescenti.