
La dottoressa Jacqueline Anundo e Jane Ndungu dell'ISSUP Kenya hanno partecipato a un incontro congiunto sulle alternative all'incarcerazione (ATI) in Kenya. L'incontro si è tenuto presso l'EKA Hotel di Nairobi, in Kenya, con lo scopo di costruire iniziative ATI nel paese.
L'ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire vous invite cordialement à son webinaire sur l'Alternative à l'incarcération pour les usagers de drogues
The 67th edition of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) took place in Vienna from 14-22 March 2024. The CND provides a platform for engagement between member states to lobby for various positions, reflecting the rich mix of cultural and societal norms and priorities, while allowing for reflections on review of standards and policy in line with the most current evidence-based best practice.
This past week (8 - 11 April 2024), our newly appointed Scientific Advisor Goodman Sibeko attended the African Union engagement with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) traditional leaders, which sought to explore strategies for engaging traditional leaders in
ISSUP South Africa ti invita cordialmente a partecipare alla sua prossima serie di webinar in due parti sui disturbi da uso di sostanze e la salute orale
Join Nathania Bowe, BSc (Hons) in Psychology, and Case Manager at LEAD Institute and Member of ISSUP Bahamas National Chapter on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 for our next 'Wellness Wednesday' session.  We will be delving into essential strategies for supporting individuals with personality disorders. Nathania, with her expertise and experience, brings invaluable insights to help navigate these challenges with compassion and understanding.
ISSUP Bahamas, in conjunction with the National LEAD Institute, are pleased to announce the launch of their ‘Wellness Wednesday’ campaign.
Tenemos el agrado de presentarles el Diplomado Internacional en Intervenciones para la prevención, tratamiento y recuperación de trastornos por uso de sustancias que dictará la Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile) a partir del 9 de mayo de 2024 (cupos limitados).
ISSUP India has recently concluded a comprehensive five-day orientation program on the Universal
ISSUP Malaysia è lieta di invitarvi al prossimo webinar di aprile sulle sfide nell'implementazione di un programma di prevenzione efficace