
Il 25 agosto 2023 l'ISSUP Bahamas ha tenuto un seminario di un giorno presso il Police Training College di Freeport, Grand Bahama.  Il workshop mirava a facilitare una piattaforma di collaborazione per le diverse parti interessate per esplorare gli aspetti multidimensionali delle sfide legate all'uso di sostanze e sviluppare strategie efficaci per affrontarle.
ISSUP Repubblica Ceca desidera annunciare le dimissioni di Mons. Barbora Povýšilová, che ha ricoperto il ruolo di Direttore Esecutivo sin dalla fondazione di ISSUP Repubblica Ceca. Barbora è parte integrante di ISSUP Repubblica Ceca sin dalla sua esistenza.
You have until 21st September to indicate interest in the SUPERNet! Do not miss on your opportunity to join! The SUPERNet project is looking for individuals engaged in practice, research or policy in the field of substance use, with an interest to engage in networking and joint learning to create innovations and bridge the gaps between different actors in the field.
Training of trainers on the Universal Prevention Curriculum- UPC  Speaker Series; Basic and middle school courses. The National Anti-Drug Committee (Host agency for ISSUP Togo), in collaboration with its partners, continues to train on the standards and norms for the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances.
ISSUP India Chapter ha effettivamente condotto un "Programma di formazione di tre giorni sulla prevenzione e il trattamento dell'abuso di droga per funzionari di intervento mirato" presso il Centro SPYM di Nuova Delhi dal 31 agosto al 2 settembre 2023.
On August 31st and September 1st, the 5th Congress of the Assistance Network for Addictions in Córdoba, Argentina (RAAC), took place. This event is the most important reference in the country for addiction and mental health related to substance use disorders.
The National Narcotics Board (BNN) and the University of Indonesia, through the Faculty of Psychology, are currently developing both Degree and Non-degree programs focused on addressing Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
We are now accepting nominations for the ISSUP Awards 2024! Please note that the deadline for nominations is December 31st, 2023.
We are thrilled to announce the commencement of nominations for the prestigious ISSUP Awards 2024! This is your chance to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions of your peers and colleagues in the field of drug demand reduction.
Conviértete en un agente estratégico para prevenir y detectar el consumo de drogas y la violencia en el contexto escolar. Inscripciones abiertas. Regístrate: