Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood
The National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood (2017) is a special volume that supplements the organisation’s Preventing Drug Abuse Among Children and Adolescents, released in 2003...
Compilazione di programmi di formazione sulle competenze familiari basati sull'evidenza
La raccolta di programmi di formazione sulle competenze familiari basati sull'evidenza dell'Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite contro la droga e il crimine (UNODC) offre un tesoro di informazioni su tali iniziative, rispondendo a domande chiave...
Standard di conoscenza per la scienza della prevenzione
Pubblicato dalla Society for Prevention Research nel 2011, Standards of Knowledge for the Science of Prevention è un documento importante per coloro che lavorano nell'ambito della prevenzione dell'uso di sostanze.
Con l'obiettivo di...
How to Tackle America’s Opioid Crisis?
Much the result of a poor understanding of how to treat chronic pain, the United States has in recent years been rocked by an unprecedented drug crisis: The opioid epidemic.
Opioids include drugs derived from opium, such as heroin, as...
Towards a New Consensus for Addiction Medicine Training
Manuale pratico per affrontare l'uso di alcol
L'uso rischioso di alcol, definito come qualsiasi livello di consumo di alcol che aumenta il rischio di danni a se stessi o agli altri, è sia un disturbo da uso di sostanze che un problema medico. Riconosciuto come una delle principali...
ISSUP at the 22nd Annual National Institute on Drug Abuse International Forum
Nuovo documento di consenso per i test antidroga nella medicina clinica delle dipendenze
Un nuovo documento di consenso dell'American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) appare nella nuova edizione del Journal of Addiction Medicine.
Il documento fornisce raccomandazioni pratiche e basate sull'evidenza per quanto riguarda l...
Effetti a lungo termine del programma Strong African American Families sull'uso di alcol da parte dei giovani
I risultati a lungo termine di un programma di prevenzione dell'uso di alcol sviluppato per le famiglie nere povere degli Stati Uniti con bambini di 11 anni rafforzano il potenziale di un approccio che coinvolge genitori e figli a...
Tobacco Use during Pregnancy and Its Associated Factors in a Mountain District of Eastern Nepal
Background: Tobacco using among women is more prevalent in Nepal as compared to other South-East Asian countries. The effect of its use is seen not only on the pregnant women, but also health of the growing fetus is compromised. Currently...
E-Cigarettes Less Addictive Than Traditional Cigarettes, Study Finds
E-cigarettes are less addictive than traditional cigarettes, according to a new study published in the journal Preventative Medicine.
That said, around 75% of e-cigarette smokers still consider themselves to be dependent on their use.
...Abuso e dipendenza da droghe: linee guida del Regno Unito sulla gestione clinica
Spesso chiamato Orange Book, questa è una guida per i medici che trattano persone con problemi di droga.
Questa versione 2017 offre nuove linee guida su:
- Trattamento in carcere
- Nuove sostanze psicoattive e droghe club
- co-morbidità...
Web-Based Alcohol Intervention: Study of Systematic Attrition of Heavy Drinkers
Background: Web-based alcohol interventions are a promising way to reduce alcohol consumption because of their anonymity and the possibility of reaching a high number of individuals including heavy drinkers. However, web-based...
Alcohol Interventions in Primary Care Settings: What Works, What Doesn’t and What's Next?
This week saw the seminar launch at Edinburgh’s Royal College of Physicians of two key reports on alcohol interventions in primary care settings published by the Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) in collaboration with the U...
European Drug Report 2017
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has recently released its European Drug Report for 2017. The document offers an overview of the drug situation across the continent. It covers drug supply and use as well...
Field Guide to Drug Demand Reduction Program Development, 2nd ed.
The Field Guide to Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) Development is an annual publication by the U.S. Department of State primarily for its Embassy personnel abroad to guide in the development of substance use prevention and treatment programming...
Prevention and Treatment for Drug Use in Rural Settings
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has recently published what the organisation describes as ‘an awareness-raising tool’ aimed at policy-makers, public health officials, local authorities and other stakeholders.
How Do We Tackle the Opioid Epidemic?
The over-prescription of opioids is a significant public health issue in the United States. For example, opioids are often prescribed for minor injuries unnecessarily. This, in turn, increases the risk of addiction.
New research...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Bite: What If the Therapist ... Is Also the Jailer?
A cell in the Alcohol Treatment Matrix. In an extreme form, the title poses the dilemma for alcohol treatment staff who may also be (seen as) working for authorities whose main role is to control or punish the ‘client’ or who may be...
ATTC White Paper: Preparing Students to Work in Integrated Health Care Systems
A recently published White Paper by the Addiction Technology Transfer Centre Newtork (ATTC) starts with the premise that the substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment and recovery workforce is currently undergoing an evolution as a...
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