April 2024

National Recovery Capital Conference of Canada

Location: Calgary, Канада


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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 19th February 2024 - 19:03
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The ASAM 55th Annual Conference - Innovations in Addiction Medicine and Science

Location: Texas, Америка Құрама Штаттары

The ASAM Annual Conference is the defining event in addiction medicine bringing together all professionals to connect, learn, and inspire.

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Submitted on Сенбі 16th December 2023 - 21:33
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Elevating Addiction Treatment Skills and Practice through the Neurobiological Advances in Addiction

Location: Online

TIME: 10:00AM - 11:30AM Eastern Time

This event will explore the the neuroscience of

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Submitted on Жұма 29th March 2024 - 16:06
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Environmental Prevention to Address New Forms of Substance Use

Location: Washington D.C., Америка Құрама Штаттары

Environmental Prevention to Address New Forms of Substance Use.

The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 8th April 2024 - 13:43
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ATI Basics: Why Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI)?

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

ICATI Webinar
ISSUP in collaboration with ICATI cordially invite you to an upcoming webinar on 9th April, 2024 on ATI Basics.
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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 20th March 2024 - 01:58
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Women and Addiction Symposium

Location: New Brunswick, Канада

Dates: April 10 - 11, 2024

Location: Delta Beausejour, Moncton New Brunswick

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Submitted on Сенбі 30th March 2024 - 10:42
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International Diploma in Interventions for Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery of Substance Use Disorders

Location: Temuco, Чили

Jimena Kalawski, in partnership with The Universidad Católica De Temuco, will present a lecture on the International Diploma in Interventions for Prevention,

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Submitted on Сейсенбі 2nd April 2024 - 10:49
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Global Recovery Network 4th Dialogue Session

Location: Capetown, Оңтүстік Африка

Global Recovery Dialogue Poster for the event taking place on 11 April 2024. A profile photo of moderator Michael Bottecelli and presenter Warren Cornelius

Topic: “Reducing Stigma - An Inside Job?!”

Moderator: Michael Botticelli
Former Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Barack Obama

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 27th March 2024 - 11:40
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Inhalants: What You Need to Know

Location: Washington, Америка Құрама Штаттары

Part 2 of the Pharmacology Webinar Series:

Join ICUDDR for the 2nd webinar on the Pharmacology Series, Inhalants: What We Need to Know on April 12, 7:30 – 8:45 AM (US Eastern Time). Miss Dalene Beaulieu, Director of Training and Family Programs from the University of Washington Social Development Research Group will present general information on inhalants including their history, classification, effects, and how knowledge of this information is useful in delivering behavioral health services.


Friday, April 12th @ 7:30 - 8:45 am EST

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Submitted on Сейсенбі 2nd April 2024 - 10:36
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Location: Tallinn, Эстония

The European Crime Prevention Conference is a biennial conference from 17th - 18th April organised by the Secretariat of the EUCPN and funded by the European Commission. The Conference offers a forum to share knowledge and experiences regarding crime prevention across the European Union. It welcomes policymakers, practitioners and academics, but maintains a consistent focus on the frontline.

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 15th April 2024 - 16:56
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Танзаниядағы зиянды азайту мәселелері бойынша бағдарлау тренингі

Location: Morogoro , Танзания

Танзаниядағы азаматтық қоғам ұйымдарына нашақорлық және зиянды азайту жөніндегі қызметтердің маңыздылығы мәселелері бойынша бағдарлық тренингтер өткізу.


2024 жылғы 17-20 сәуір аралығында Танзания ХҚЖК Танзанияда нашақорлық және зиянды азайту жөніндегі қызметтердің маңыздылығы туралы базалық білім бойынша Танзанияда есірткі қолданатын адамдарға зиянды азайту бойынша қызметтерді жүзеге асыратын ОМО-ға бағдарлау бойынша тренингтен өтті.


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Submitted on Сейсенбі 7th May 2024 - 15:56
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8th World Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) and the 26th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders (SEPD)

Location: Mallorca, Испания

This year, as a novelty, we are pleased to inform you that the 8th World Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) and the 26th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders SEPD will be held jointly. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the celebration of these events that will take place in the city of Mallorca from 17-20 April 2024.

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Submitted on Сенбі 16th December 2023 - 21:58
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Mastering Psychopharmacology: Enhancing SUD Counseling Through Understanding Psychotropi

Location: Online

Time: 3PM - 4:30PM Eastern Time

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 13th March 2024 - 00:12
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Utilising ISSUP Online Resources

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

ISSUP NC Advisory Committee Webinar
Understanding and Navigating ISSUP's Digital Online Resources: An In-Depth Exploration of Online Resources and Professional Development Opportunities. Join the National Chapters Advisory Committee in a Dynamic Webinar with Immersive Case Studies and a Live Q&A Session Hosted by Expert Presenters
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Submitted on Сейсенбі 12th March 2024 - 10:34
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Dual Diagnosis and Families

Location: Online

Join our online training course on Dual Diagnosis and Families

  • Wednesday 17th April 2024, 9.30am - 3.30pm
  • Trainer: Mike Ward
  • Cost: £85

This one-day training course is suitable for practitioners who work with the adult family members of those with both a substance use problem and mental ill-health. It includes the findings from Adfam’s research with affected family members, as well as practical skills for supporting families.

By the end of this course you'll be able to:

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 18th March 2024 - 21:39
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Implementing the SPORT (Alcohol/Drug) & Other One-Lesson PPW-Programs: Free Webinar

Location: St. Augustine/Florida, Америка Құрама Штаттары

Session Objectives:

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Submitted on Жұма 15th March 2024 - 15:50
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Strengthening Coalition Collaboration with Funding Sources

Location: Online

Time: 5PM Eastern Time

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 15th April 2024 - 16:46
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Acelerar los Sistemas de Prevención en las Políticas sobre Drogas: nuevas iniciativas

Location: Madrid, Испания

ISSUP Spain Flyer
ISSUP España, te invita cordialmente a su próximo webinar sobre Prevención Global de Adicciones.
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Submitted on Бейсенбі 4th April 2024 - 21:48
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Practice Management, Administration, and Operation in the SUD Field, Part 5: Unhealthy vs. Healthy Workplaces — Professional Conduct, Selfcare

Location: Online


In this webinar, attendees will learn about individual and organizational indicators of professional distress, organizational family, and boundaries and strategies to address role conflict and overload. Attendees will discover how fostering their own personal wellness can help them fulfill their professional and ethical obligations.

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Submitted on Сейсенбі 2nd April 2024 - 11:03
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Further Enhancing the Implementation of DDR Quality Standards in the EU (FENIQS-EU)

Location: Zagreb, Хорватия

On April 22, 8:00 – 9:15 AM (US Eastern Time), ICUDDR will host a webinar on the Application of quality standards in substance use prevention and treatment: findings and ways forward based on the FENIQS-EU project.

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Submitted on Сейсенбі 2nd April 2024 - 10:43
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Demystifying Medicine — Fentanyl and Other Drug Addictions: Progress and Challenges

Location: Online

Time: 4PM Eastern Time

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 15th April 2024 - 16:22
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The Role of Emotional Intelligence Skills in Addressing Trauma and Reducing the Risk of SUD

Location: Online

Time: 3PM - 4:30PM Eastern Time


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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 13th March 2024 - 00:19
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Families, Drugs and Alcohol - Essential & Advanced Skills

Location: Online

Wednesday 24th April 2024 | 9:30am - 3:30pm

Thursday 25th April 2024 | 9:30am - 3:30pm

Trainer: Lauren Booker

Adfam is delivering a 2-part training course on families affected by substance use:

  1. Families, Drugs and Alcohol – Essential Skills
  2. Families, Drugs and Alcohol – Advanced Skills

The training will run between 9.30am - 3.30pm each day, with a break for lunch at 12 noon.

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 18th March 2024 - 21:46
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Ине және шпринг бағдарламалары бойынша оқыту

Location: Dar es Salaam, Танзания

Инелік және шприцтік бағдарламалар (НСП) - АИТВ және басқа да қан вирустарының (мысалы, В және С гепатиттері сияқты) берілуін азайту үшін дәрі-дәрмек енгізетін (кейде PWID деп аталатын) адамдарға таза инелер мен шприцтерді қамтамасыз ететін зиянды азайту бастамасының бір түрі ).

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Submitted on Сейсенбі 30th April 2024 - 11:23
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Implementing Community-Based Addiction Treatment

Location: Online

TIME: 12PM - 1PM Eastern Time

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Submitted on Сенбі 30th March 2024 - 10:19
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Strategies in Media and Social Media for Substance Use Prevention

Location: Beirut, Ливан

iSSUP Lebanon Webinar
ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on Strategies in Media and Social Media for Substance Use Prevention
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Submitted on Бейсенбі 4th April 2024 - 10:52
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Integrating Addiction Medicine with Treatment Courts

Location: Online

Time: 10AM - 5PM Eastern Time

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Submitted on Сенбі 30th March 2024 - 11:05
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Challenges in Implementing an Effective Prevention Program

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Малайзия

ISSUP Malaysia Webinar
ISSUP Malaysia would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar this April on Challenges in Implementing an Effective Prevention Program
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Submitted on Сенбі 6th April 2024 - 14:55
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