April 2022

Exploring ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

In conjunction with the launch of ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub, ISSUP, The Colombo Plan and CICAD are pleased to invite you to attend an introductory webinar.
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Submitted on Сейсенбі 29th March 2022 - 08:31
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Workforce Wellbeing in Crisis Response - Learning from an NHS service following the Grenfell Tower Fire 2017

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

ISSUP UK would like to invite you to attend the upcoming Webinar on Workforce Wellbeing in Crisis Response.
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Submitted on Сейсенбі 22nd March 2022 - 12:08
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ISSUP онлайн оқыту хабын зерттеу

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

ISCUP Online Learning Hub, ISCUP, Colombo Plan және CICAD іске қосумен бірге кіріспе вебинарға қатысуға шақырамын.
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Submitted on Сейсенбі 29th March 2022 - 08:35
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Let’s Talk Overdose 2022

Location: Online


April 6, 2022
Early risk – Early intervention: Overdose among Youth

Changing drug markets and the COVID-19 pandemic have created an increasingly serious need to develop specific solutions for young people at risk of overdose. Everyone is welcome to join the conversations about early intervention, prevention and youth-focused treatments for high-risk substance use.

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 23rd March 2022 - 09:48
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World Health Day

Location: Online

In the midst of a pandemic, a polluted planet, increasing diseases like cancer, asthma, heart disease, on World Health Day 2022, WHO will focus global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being.

WHO estimates that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The climate crisis is also a health crisis. 

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 23rd March 2022 - 09:51
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The Situation of Homelessness and Substance Use in India and the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

Location: New Delhi, Үндістан

ISSUP are pleased to present the Final Event in the Webinar Series on Substance Use and Homelessness: New Perspectives from Research and Practice.
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Submitted on Жұма 11th March 2022 - 12:11
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Women in Recovery Specialty Online Training Series: Adapting and Addressing Tobacco Use with Telehealth for the Pregnant Population

Location: Online


Friday, April 8, 2022 @ 12:00-1:30pm ET (11CT/10MT/9PT)


This presentation will address components of tobacco use and treatment for the pregnant and postpartum population.

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 28th February 2022 - 12:50
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Субстанцияларды пайдалануды емдеу параметрлерінде медициналық каннабисті шешу жөніндегі клиника нұсқаулығы

Location: Online

Есірткі тұтыну және денсаулық сақтау саласындағы ұлттық сауалнамаға сәйкес 2020 жылы каннабисті пайдалану көрсеткіштері өсті, өткен жылы каннабисті 12 және одан жоғары жастағы 50 млн-ға жуық адам пайдаланғаны туралы хабарлайды. Бұл өсім алты штаттың бесеуінде (Колорадо, Монтана, Солтүстік Дакота, Оңтүстік Дакота, Юта) HHS Excion 8 бойынша мемлекетке тән деректерден көрініс табады.

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 23rd February 2022 - 09:52
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Location: Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, Америка Құрама Штаттары

Психикалық әл-ауқат жөніндегі ұлттық кеңес Сізді 2022 жылғы 11-13 сәуір аралығында Вашингтондағы Гайлорд ұлттық курорттық конвент-орталығында өтетін психикалық денсаулық пен субстанцияларды пайдалануды емдеу саласындағы ең ірі конференция NatCon22-де шақырылғандай саланың ең үздіктерін білдіретін мыңдаған мамандарға қосылуға шақырады. агломерация.

NatCon22 тіркеуі мынаны жасауға мүмкіндік береді: 

  • Құрдастарымен және люминесценттермен байланысатын теңдесі жоқ желілік мүмкіндіктермен, соның ішінде дүйсенбі кешінің Ашылу қабылдауымен айналысу.

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Submitted on Жұма 1st April 2022 - 13:41
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ISCUP онлайн оқыту хабының терең көрінісі

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

ISCUP Online Learning Hub, ISCUP, Colombo Plan және CICAD-ты іске қосумен бірге Хабтың терең көрінісіне қатысуға шақырғаныңызға қуаныштымын.
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Submitted on Сейсенбі 29th March 2022 - 08:41
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Екі айлық вебинар: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Он бірінші сеанс)

Location: Abuja, Нигерия

ITSUP Нигерия сізді өздерінің Knowledge Update Series сериясындағы келесі Екі айлық вебинарға шақырғысы келеді.
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Submitted on Жұма 1st April 2022 - 11:21
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Alcohol Availability - Research Design & Data.

Location: Online

The UK-Ireland Alcohol Research Network (AcoRN) would like to invite you to its third webinar, which will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 13th April from 10-11:30am. The webinar will be focused on the availability of alcohol and feature the following inputs: 

• An overview of recent and current policy developments across the island of Ireland, Dr Joanna Purdy (Public Health Ireland)

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 21st March 2022 - 15:56
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In-depth View of ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

In conjunction with the launch of ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub, ISSUP, The Colombo Plan and CICAD are pleased to invite you to attend an In-depth View of the Hub.
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Submitted on Сейсенбі 29th March 2022 - 08:50
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Development and Implementation of Prevention Programs with Youth

Location: Beirut, Ливан

ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their webinar on delivering prevention programs to adolescents and youth.
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Submitted on Жұма 25th March 2022 - 08:49
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NAADAC 2022 Advocacy in Action Conference

Location: Virtual

Join NAADAC for our 2022 Advocacy in Action Conference & Virtual Hill Day on April 19-21, 2022! Attend briefings on current legislation, learn about important advocacy issues, and earn up to 13 CEs!

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 23rd February 2022 - 09:41
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Exploring ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

In conjunction with the launch of ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub, ISSUP, The Colombo Plan and CICAD are pleased to invite you to attend an introductory webinar.
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Submitted on Жұма 11th March 2022 - 12:19
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Lanzamiento del Capitulo Español de ISSUP

Location: Madrid, Испания

ISSUP España le invita a asistir a su evento de lanzamiento.
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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 6th April 2022 - 14:31
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Аздап ішімдік ішу - Жастар ішімдіктерінің азаюы

Location: Online, Ұлыбритания

Алкоголь проблемалары бойынша Шотландияның денсаулық сақтау іс-қимылы (SHAAP) және Шотландияның алкогольді зерттеу желісі (SARN) сізді 2022 жылғы екінші SHAAP/SARN Алкоголь аздап іс-шарасы үшін 20 сәуір күні сағат 12.30-14.00 BST (Ұлыбритания уақыты бойынша) онлайн режимінде қосылуға шақырады. 

Доктор Инге Керсберген мен доктор Лаура Фентон «Жастардың ішіп-жеуі төмендеп барады: саясат пен тәжірибе үшін салдары» атты баяндама жасайды.

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Submitted on Жексенбі 10th April 2022 - 20:45
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The Intersection Between Substance Use Disorder and Human Trafficking

Location: Nairobi, Кения

ISSUP Kenya would like to invite you to join their next Bi-Monthly Webinar on The Intersection Between Substance Use Disorder and Human Trafficking.

Time: 4PM UK Time | 6PM Kenya Time

Register for the Webinar


This Webinar will discuss:

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Submitted on Бейсенбі 14th April 2022 - 11:53
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Women in Recovery Specialty Online Training Series: Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and Mood Disorders in Postpartum Women

Location: Online

Friday, April 22, 2022 @ 12:00-1:30pm ET (11CT/10MT/9PT)


Substance use during and/or after pregnancy increased dramatically during the pandemic, putting women and their babies at risk. Substance use during or after pregnancy can lead to threats to the unborn or nursing infant, severe social

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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 14th March 2022 - 11:16
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Sustrato Neurobiológico y Marcadores de la Adicción a la Comida

Location: Mexico, Мексика

Transmisión en vivo desde el Laboratorio de Cannabinoides de la UNAM: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1526522637714035/


Ponente: Dr. Rafael Maldonado, Neurofarmacología, Departamento de Medicina y Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona


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Submitted on Жұма 15th April 2022 - 00:17
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In-depth View of ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub

Location: London, Ұлыбритания

In conjunction with the launch of ISSUP’s Online Learning Hub, ISSUP, The Colombo Plan and CICAD are pleased to invite you to attend an In-depth View of the Hub.
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Submitted on Жұма 11th March 2022 - 12:53
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The Intersection of DEA, Opioids, and MAT

Location: Online

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 @ 3:00-4:00pm ET (2CT/1MT/12PT)


As a result of the opioid crisis, more and more primary care providers are being asked to treat those suffering from opioid use disorder (OUD) through the use of medication assisted

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 30th March 2022 - 11:40
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ISSUP Botswana Launch

Location: Gaborone, Ботсвана

ISSUP Botswana would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Launch Event.
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Submitted on Дүйсенбі 25th April 2022 - 15:37
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Treating co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders using tools from CBT

Location: Online

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to: 

  • Recognise the importance of assessing for substance use when a client presents with a mental health disorder;
  • Use some key tools from CBT such as cognitive restructuring and activity scheduling with clients presenting with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders;
  • Understand some common challenges associated with developing activities for behaviour change when working with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders.

Apr 29, 2022 01:00 PM (AEST)

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Submitted on Сәрсенбі 13th April 2022 - 10:05
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