The Etymology and Early History of ‘Addiction’
Contemporary usage of addiction is contradictory and confusing; the term is highly stigmatizing but popularly used to describe almost any strong desire, passion or pursuit. Does current usage involve a recent corruption of the...
Severity of Analgesic Dependence and Medication-Overuse Headache
Background and Aims: Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a common chronic headache caused by overuse of headache analgesics. It has similarities with substance dependence disorders. The treatment of choice for MOH is withdrawal of the...
Mental Health Professionals’ Views on Smoke-Free Policy
The prevalence of smoking within the general population is in decline. However, the number of people with mental health issues who smoke remains high.
A recent study has examined mental health care practitioners approach to addressing...
What's The Crack Podcast
Barely a week goes by without legal highs, binge drinking, or the latest celebrity rehab hitting the headlines.
But have you ever wondered what the facts are behind drug and addiction news stories?
Three researchers from the National...
Алкоголь және орнықты даму мақсаттары – дамудың негізгі кедергісі
Алкоголь орнықты дамудың 17 мақсатының (ТДМ) 13-іне және 169 нысананың 52-сіне қол жеткізу үшін кедергі болып табылады.
Адамның орнықты дамуына негізгі кедергі:
- Жыл сайын бүкіл әлемде алкоголь 3,3 млн адам қаза тапқан, бұл барлық...
Take-Home Naloxone құралдар жиынтығы
Апиынға тәуелділікті емдеудегі нәтижелерді жақсарту (IOTOD) Take-Home Naloxone Toolkit артық дозалануды азайту және адам өмірін сақтап қалу мақсатында налоксонды қабылдау бағдарламасын құру тәртібі туралы нұсқаулар мен ресурстарды қамтиды.
...Апиынға тәуелділікті емдеудегі нәтижелерді жақсарту 2018 жылғы веб-кастингтер
Апиынға тәуелділікті емдеуде нәтижелерді жақсарту (IOTOD) - апиынға тәуелді денсаулық сақтауды түрлі бағдарламалар арқылы жақсартуға бағытталған білім беру бастамасы
IOTOD жыл сайынғы конференция өткізеді, ал іс-шара қорытындысы бойынша...
Addiction Journal Podcast - ақпан 2019
«Нашақорлық журналы» журналдың ақпан айындағы басылымының мазмұнын қорытындылайтын өзінің соңғы подкасттарын шығарды.
Подкаст осы айдың журналына енгізілген зерттеулер авторларымен әңгімелесуді іріктеуді қамтиды.
Webinar: Implementing SBIRT in Rural Clinics: A How-to Guide
Many healthcare providers report that addressing alcohol and other drug problems is one of the most challenging areas of their practice. Providers are unsure how to address these issues, and yet they are in a prime position to reduce the...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Therapeutic Relationships Matter for Young Clients Too
Amalgamation of research findings for the American Psychological Association finds that the relationship between therapists and young clients and their parents matters nearly as much as in adult therapy. Practice recommendations will aid...
Epidemiology of Substance Use among Forced Migrants: A Global Systematic Review
Forced migration is occurring at unprecedented levels. Forced migrants may be at risk for substance use for reasons including coping with traumatic experiences, co-morbid mental health disorders, acculturation...
Quality Measurers of Therapeutic Communities for Substance Dependence: An International Collaborative Study Survey in Latin America
In Latin America, substance related disorders are highly prevalent and one of the treatment strategies is the Therapeutic Communities (TCs), however, in Latin America there is scarce data about this treatment...
How to Deliver Effective Opioid Substitute Treatment in Prisons
This webinar focuses on:
Overcoming organisational and cultural issues
Stabilisation and assisted withdrawal
Retox and continuity of care
Dr Joss Bray, Clinical Lead for Drug and Alcohol Treatment in...
2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and Therapy, May 13-14, 2019 Prague, Czech Republic
2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and Therapy
May 13-14, 2019 Prague, Czech Republic
Theme: An understandable look at the dilemma of Addiction
Addiction 2019 Web page:
Annual Report: Use of Narcotics in City of Lahore
The Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) & Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) have published the latest annual report on the use of narcotics in Lahore.
The report gives an overview of the current situation in Lahore and outlines the...
Barriers in Substance Use Disorder Treatment
The US is experiencing a public health crisis. In the US in 2016 alone, there were over 63,000 drug poisoning deaths. Despite these concerning figures, it is estimated that fewer than 20% (3.8 million) receive treatment and for those who do...
Website: End of Life Care for People with Problematic Substance Use
This website offers resources developed from a two-year research programme on end of life care for people with alcohol and other drug problems. The research programme was the first of its kind to explore current practice and service...
Overdose Deaths Involving Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analogs — New York City, 2000–2017
What is already known about this topic?
During 1999–2017, the rate of drug overdose deaths nationally approximately tripled; approximately 70,000 overdose deaths occurred nationally in 2017, with nearly 68% involving an opioid...
ICUDDR Training Sessions at ISSUP Conference in Kenya
The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) ran multiple sessions during the joint NACADA, ISSUP and African Union Drug Demand Reduction Conference & Workshop and have produced a selection of videos of...
Age‐Varying Effects of Cannabis Use Frequency and Disorder on Symptoms of Psychosis, Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents and Adults
A recent study, published in the Journal of Addiction, has examined the association of cannabis use, cannabis use disorder and symptoms of psychosis, depression and anxiety in an adolescent and adult sample. The researchers also examined...
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