Cognitive and Mindfulness‐Based Therapy for Adolescents with Co‐Occurring Post‐Traumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorder
Early life experiences of trauma are known to significantly increase the risk of substance use in adolescence and adulthood. It has been suggested that individuals may use alcohol or drugs as a means of temporarily relieving themselves from...
Айғақтар подкасттары
Канаданың субстанцияларды пайдалану және тәуелділік орталығы (CCSA) алкоголь, каннабис, апиын, стигма және т.б. туралы дәлелдерді зерттейтін және қайта қарайтын подкасттардың жаңа сериясын шығарды .
Ай сайын «Айғақтар » подкастында CCSA...
NIDA ресурсы: Жасөспірімдерге арналған апиын фактілері
Есiрткiнi терiс пайдалану жөнiндегi ұлттық институт жасөспiрiмдерге апиын туралы нақты ақпарат беру үшiн жаңа ресурс жариялады .
Басылым апиын туралы фактілерді іріктеуді, апиын мен героин туралы бөлімді, сондай-ақ одан арғы ресурстардың...
ICUDDR Conference: Call for Proposals
Managing Alcohol-Related Attendances in Emergency Care: Can Diversion to Bespoke Services Lessen the Burden?
Acute alcohol intoxication (AAI) has a long history of burdening emergency care services. Healthcare systems around the world have explored a variety of different services that divert AAI away from EDs to better manage their...
Addiction Journal Podcast - қаңтар 2019
Addiction Journal Podcast журналдың қаңтар басылымының мазмұны арқылы тыңдаушыны қабылдайды, кейбір ерекшеліктерді таңдайды және талқылайды және кейбір авторлармен жүргізілген сұхбаттарды қамтиды.
Risk Factors for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Recent studies carried out by researchers from Vanderbilt University and Johns Hopkins University have examined characteristics linked with the heightened risk NAS.
The researchers found that boys are more likely to receive a diagnosis...
Conditional Probabilities of Substance Use Disorders and Associated Risk Factors
Pre-existing mental disorders increases the risk of developing SUD.
Dopamine Neurons Projecting to Medial Shell of the Nucleus Accumbens Drive Heroin Reinforcement
The dopamine (DA) hypothesis posits the increase of mesolimbic dopamine levels as a defining commonality of addictive drugs, initially causing reinforcement, eventually leading to compulsive consumption. While much experimental...
Access to Care for People with Alcohol Use Disorder in France
Introduction: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a major public health concern worldwide. In France, only 10% of people with AUD (PWAUD) receive medical care. General practitioners (GP) are one of the main entry points for AUD care...
Adfam Survey: State of the Family Support Sector
Overcoming Clinician and Parent Ambivalence: General Practitioners' Support of Children of Parents with Physical or Mental Illness and/or Substance Abuse
Children who are next of kin to parents with physical or mental illness and/or substance abuse need access to mental health support and several cost-effective interventions are available. Because most parents in the target group often...
Adversity, Cannabis Use and Psychotic Experiences
There is robust evidence that childhood adversity is associated with an increased risk of psychosis. There is, however, little research on intervening factors that might increase or decrease risk following...
Substance Use Disorders among Veterans
It is recognised that veterans are more likely to experience a range of mental health conditions such as anxiety, major depression, substance use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Many individuals use substances as a coping...
Improvement in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders through Adopting Evidence-Based Practices in Pakistan
Background: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s 2014 survey estimated that there are 6.7 million Pakistanis aged 15-64 who are illegal substance users. In 2014, Pakistan’s drug treatment capacities remained insufficient to meet...
Апиынды пайдаланудың бұзылуын емдеуге арналған медициналық көмек көрсету континуумы бойынша үздік тәжірибелер
Апиынды пайдаланудың бұзылуымен өмір сүретін жеке тұлғаларды емдеудің жоғары сапалы және дәлелді болуы өте маңызды.
Канаданың субстанцияларды пайдалану және нашақорлық орталығы апиынды пайдаланудың бұзылуын емдеуге күтім жасау континуумы...
Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in a Large National Sample of Patients Receiving Opioid Substitution Treatment in Germany
Knowledge of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients receiving opioid substitution treatment (OST) is limited and fragmented. The present study examines the HRQOL of a large national sample of OST...
HIV Prevention Intervention for Substance Users: A Review of the Literature
Behavioral Interventions are needed to prevent HIV in substance users, which is associated with higher risk for contracting HIV via unprotected sexual intercourse or syringe-based exposure. We reviewed universal...
Wound Botulism Outbreak Among Persons Who Use Black Tar Heroin — San Diego County, California, 2017–2018
What is already known about this topic?
Wound botulism is a rare but serious illness associated with black tar heroin use, especially by subcutaneous injection (skin popping).
What is added by this report?
Drugs Most Frequently Involved in Drug Overdose Deaths: United States, 2011–2016
Objective: This report identifies the specific drugs involved most frequently in drug overdose deaths in the United States from 2011 through 2016.
Methods: Record-level data from the 2011–2016 National Vital Statistics System...
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