
Prevention in the workplace: Reading List

Reading List
Substance use can affect workers of all ages; therefore, the workplace may play a vital role in preventing substance abuse throughout their careers. In fact, the workplace has a potential role in promoting the prevention and reducing the substance related problems. In addition, it is important that substance use related challenges should be recognized as health issues at work, treated as any other health issue, and covered by health-care organizations.
Prevention reading list

Work Environment Factors and Prevention of Opioid-Related Deaths

Scientific article
Opioid use disorder (OUD) and opioid overdose deaths (OODs) are prevalent among US workers, but work-related factors have not received adequate attention as either risk factors or opportunities for OOD prevention. Higher prevalence of OOD...

A Kit for Employers: Making your workplace drug free

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified many well-researched drug-free workplace programs and published "A Kit for Employers: Making the workplace drug free". This Employer kit describes the...