
Listen First- What the Experts are Saying

'Listen First' is an initiative to increase support for the prevention of drug use that is based on science and is thus an effective investment in the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities. Listen First was...

Réunion préparatoire de lancement de l'ISSUP Togo

Le vendredi 11 juin 2021, s'est tenu dans les nouveaux locaux du Comité National AntiDrogue à Lomé Adidogomé, une réunion préparatoire au lancement de ISSUP-TOGO.
Cette rencontre avait essentiellement pour but d'échanger sur les modalités préparatoires au lancement de la plateforme.

Aux termes des discussions, les points suivants ont été retenus:

  • La date probable du lancement est fixée au 04 décembre 2021
  • Des groupes de travail ont été mis en place pour la revue des statuts et l'organisation prochaine de l'Assemblée Génerale.

Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of Drugs in England

The second part of Dame Carol Black’s Independent Review of Drugs has been published. This report is the second part of a major independent review by Professor Dame Carol Black into the misuse of illegal drugs in England. The first part of...

Kenya Launches National Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention

June 26, 2021, Nairobi, Kenya:- As the World commemorated the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (IDADA) on June 26, 2021, Kenya has added another milestone in the journey towards a nation free from alcohol and...
National Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention, 2021 adopted and launched by the Kenyan Government on June 26, 2021

1st Uganda Childrens' Summit-Report

There has been a tremendous increase in the access to internet by children during the COVID 19 Lockdown which has increased exposure of children to drugs, crime and violence among children since children are not in schools. Exposure of...
i choosea drug frre life

Congratulations to Livia Edegger on winning the 2021 International Collaborative Prevention Research Award

It is with great pleasure that we share the news that our Deputy Director, Livia Edegger, has been awarded the 2021 International Collaborative Prevention Research Award by the Recognition and Honors Committee with nominations from the membership of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR).