Report: Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks
Submitted by Ally

VicHealth has released a report summarising a recent investigation into Australia’s consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and its harmful consequences.
The key findings include:
- Young people in metropolitan areas drink alcohol and energy drink mixers significantly more than the general Australian population.
- Psychological distress and gambling are two factors that can predict the consumption of alcohol and energy drink mixers.
- Taste preference, energy and pleasure seeking, desire to get drunk are all motives for people who drink alcohol mixed with energy drinks.
- There is a possible link between hedonism and increased consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks, efforts to reduce intoxication, risk of developing alcohol dependence and experience of harm and aggression.
- There is a confirmed link between the consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and increased intoxication.
Based on these conclusions, the report recommends:
- As a minimum, consumers need to be made aware of the risks of combining energy drink products with alcohol, particularly to counter the myth that highly caffeinated drinks will have a sobering-up effect on drinkers.
- Policy makers need to consider the role of pricing, availability, and promotion of alcoholic beverages mixed with energy drinks during prime times for consumption.
- Further research is needed to evaluate the impact of regulations on alcohol mixed with energy drinks in Western Australia, as well as the potential links between consumption and mental health and/or gambling.
Please click on the attached document to view the full report.